Sermons for divine promotion and uplifment

Sermons for divine promotion and uplifment

Posted on September 4, 2014 Updated on September 4, 2014


Memorise: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground: for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” (Gen 3:19)

Read: Genesis 3:17-19

It is possible for a prince to be trekking when his servants are riding on horse back if such a prince does not know who he is, or that he is supposed to be riding on a horse, or even that the tide has turned against him. In whatever way you have been displaced from riding in your high places, the Lord will intervene and restore you completely in Jesus’ Name. On the other hand, what does trekking suggest? Trekking represents progress.divine liftingThis progress however is limited, slow, laborious. If you are on a journey to the next village and it will take five hours on foot, you can imagine the considerable time, effort, pain and inconvenience you would have to go through. But if you have to undertake that same trip in a brand new car, in some minutes you would be there without experiencing stress or pain. A highly gifted brother was being trained as a worker.

Along the line, there was reason to discipline him. However, he decided to quit the church. Then he had a dream that he was travelling to a particular place but disembarked from the fast moving car that was taking him there and joined a bicycle. When he saw his pastor, and the latter tried to find out why he had stopped coming, he justified his action citing the dream. He told his pastor that he would still get to his destination – even on a bicycle. His pastor carefully pointed out to him that God had brought him into that church so that he could be groomed faster.divine promotion

Going elsewhere was going to retard his progress. Convinced, he returned to the church and adjusted. He grew so fast under that pastor that within a short time he stood out among ministers. Today, his gifts are in high demand in various churches.

In Genesis 3:17-19, Adam who was riding on heavenly horse back began to trek. His efforts were no longer to deliver full benefit to him. Trekking is laborious. Are you investing so much into your ground – business, project, spouse but all you get are thorns and thistles?

You are trekking. Are you imputing the labour of an elephant but receiving the wage or harvest of an ant? You are trekking. Does it take so much effort for you to move a step forward? You are trekking. For everyone that is trekking, there is a force sent to devour his harvest.

Every devourer sent after your harvest this year shall be roasted by fire. In any way you have been trekking, the Lord will bring about a change this season in Jesus’ Name.

Let everything wasting my efforts and destroying my harvests be roasted by fire in Jesus’ Name.

By Pastor Enoch Adeboye

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Bible study, christian deliverance, Devotionals, Faith, God, good news, Holiness, Jesus, pastor adeboye's sermons, Prayers, Religion, Save the World, spiritual warfare, Success.

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