Sermons: the fear of God

Sermons: the fear of God

Posted on February 1, 2009 Updated on February 1, 2009

Memorise: “Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord ” (Romans 6:11)

Read: Genesis 39:7-9

Pastor E. Adeboye 

In John 4:23, Jesus talks of true worshippers. In the encounter between Christ and Satan recorded in Matthew 4:8-10, it is clear that only God should be worshipped. No matter how much you love, appreciate or revere your Pastor, General Overseer or leader, never idolize the fellow. If you do, you cease to be a true worshipper.

In the same way, a leader should never worship those he is leading. It is very dangerous. King Saul lost his kingdom because he was afraid of the people. Whenever you seek to receive men’s approval, you will offend God. If you fear God, you will not fear men. If you fear men, you cannot fear God.

A true servant of God will not look at faces of members of the congregation before deciding whether to preach a particular message or not.

In places where the leader worships the crowd or congregation, the truth is suppressed and he will not be able to discipline erring ones. When a leader refuses to discipline the erring flock, he indirectly hands it over to God. If you sin and your Pastor refuses to discipline you, you are in danger. Those who sin secretly and make all efforts to cover up such a sin, especially from their pastor, are undoing themselves.

If you love yourself, immediately report yourself to your pastor. It is better for your pastor to cane you, than for God to use His big stick on you. Ask God for the fear of God that will keep you far from sin.

Ask God for the Spirit of the fear of the Lord to take root in your heart.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Bible, Devotionals, fear of God, God, good news, pastor adeboye's sermons, RCCG, Religion, Success.

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