Should Adultery Be Illegal? - Divorce Minister

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He upholds the cause of the oppressed
    and gives food to the hungry.

-Psalm 146:7a, NIV

Spring 08 in New Haven 033

Yes, absolutely!

Adultery ought to be illegal.

It is a violation of a civil contract, minimally. Adultery is abuse, in my opinion. It destroys lives, finances, and communities. And it is an incredible injustice that adultery is remains legal in most modern societies.

Now, I am not advocating returning to Biblical punishments (e.g. Deut. 22:22).

I am not advocating to put adulterous spouses to death.

However, I am suggesting a just society would seek to do a better job caring for the victims of adultery. It would do more than simply grant a divorce. A just society would levy the costs associated with the damage the adulterous spouse caused.

It only seems just that the adulterous spouse have to pay all the costs of the divorce. They broke the marriage “contract” and covenant after all.

It only seems just that they pay the lawyer fees, forensic accounting fees, PI fees, and other evaluation fees associated with the divorce. The adulterous spouse made such fees necessary by engaging in deceptive and maritally destructive behavior.

It only seems just that they demonstrate that they are not crazy and a bad influence on their children if children are involved. By committing adultery, the adulterous spouse has demonstrated relational violence towards one of the kids’ parents. A wise person takes note and would need evidence demonstrating this was the exception to their behavior as opposed to the norm.

I am not giving legal advice here. I am simply speaking as a concerned citizen and a pastor exercising my free speech.

Adultery needs to be taken more seriously. 

That includes in our legal system.

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