Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires- 2nd Peter 3;3 NIV

A couple of years back I wrote a blogpost (a true story) about a parent who legally married their biological child. Because both the father the daughter were adults and the duo had no possible way to conceive biological children (the dad/husband had a vasectomy). The state of New York felt it was entirely reasonable to bless a union between a parent and their biological child.

At the time, I really could not imagine any of the following:

A. So few people would seem to care. I anticipated frothy moral outrage. I envisioned enraged individuals protesting angrily in the streets with pitchforks and torches. It didn’t happen. It turned out to be a great big nothing sandwich from a moral outrage perspective. 

Or that,

B. Society could possibly hit a lower low. I figured that was it. Jesus would either show up in no time or society would implode and we would have to start over. I immediately began hording food in anticipation of the apocalypse. I still have the food and Jesus has yet to appear.


C. We would hit a new low in record time. 

But we did it.

Last week, a news outlet aired a video of a man sharing his fondest wish with the world. This man dreams of medically transitioning into a woman, having a uterus and ovary transplant, then conceiving a child. He is not interested in experiencing the miracle of pregnancy or the joy of giving birth to a child. Nor does he care anything about having a sweet little boy or girl of his own raise. He just wants to be the first trans woman to have an abortion. He sincerely hopes his plan will leave “all the transphobes and homophobes scratching their heads”. 

I have no doubt it will. 

The good news is his fantasy is just that: a sad, little fantasy with no basis in reality. At this point, it is medically impossible to do what he wants done. The bad news is there is zero doubt in my mind there is a whole team of scientists and medical professionals working around the clock to make his dreams come true.

It’s the times we live in. 

I had an argument with God over whether or not to write about this particular topic. I felt a nudging I was pretty sure was from the Holy Spirit, but to be perfectly honest, I just didn’t want to. Mostly because I’m tired of writing screeds about the moral collapse of our dumpster-fire culture. The lack of moral outrage over clearly outrageous situations and the continuing downward spiral of society is discouraging, to say the least. 

I would rather just write about the Bible. 

However. As I was praying/arguing with God about this week’s topic, it occurred to me there is an irrefutable bright-side to this ugly Romans 1:18-32 story. This guy who wants to become a girl so he can have an abortion has laid the groundwork for a very cogent argument for why God prohibits sexual immorality. 

When our culture eagerly hopped on the sexual revolution bandwagon back in the early 1960’s no one could have possibly predicted we would end up here.  Don’t get me wrong. This is not the end. God has a long history of being slow to judge even the most horrifying of cultures (Genesis 15:12-16). Consequently, I have a hunch there are many more (and much weirder) stops on the road to hell we have embarked on.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that without God’s intervention we can absolutely, assuredly expect more, not less of this sort of moral and social insanity.  


This development makes a great case for biblical sexual ethics. Even many non-Christians who are resolutely pro-abortion find the idea of anyone becoming pregnant for the solitary purpose of aborting the “product of conception” morally repugnant. It’s just skeezy and depraved even from a heathenish standpoint. The lengths this man fantasizes about going to takes the skeeziness to a whole new level.  

This ugly muddle creates a spiritual opportunity.

This is the perfect time to help our unsaved friends and family understand two things. First, God is smarter than we are. Second, God didn’t forbid sexual immorality because He’s a killjoy jerk. God forbids sexual immorality because He can see the end from the beginning. Therefore, He understands way better than we do that immorality is always progressive (Romans 1:17-32). Once the depravity train leaves the station it just keeps rolling and there’s no telling where the conductor (Satan) will take it. In ancient pagan cultures people would commit sexual acts as a form of “worship” and then burn the children who resulted from those acts on an altar to the god Moloch.  God knew way back in the 1960’s when the arguments for loosening moral restraints around sexuality were being made we would eventually land us here.

This dumpster-fire culture will not be changed through legal means. That ship has sailed. The Dobbs decision proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that rolling back a law changes nothing.   No manmade edict can or will change anyone’s heart or mind on sexuality (homo or hetero), abortion, gender or any other moral or cultural issue. 


We can have conversations with our friends, family and colleagues about the wisdom of God and where ignoring it inevitably lands us. Who knows enough of those conversations and we might see a glimmer of hope shining through the madness?