Steve Jobs Contribution to Christianity - Ron Edmondson

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  • Greatness comes at a cost. The balance between success at work and success at home (and other areas) has always been one that has been difficult to attain (let alone maintain).

    Just something to consider when we try to pick our heroes.

    This is a worthwhile article to read.

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thanks for sharing. Good thought.

  • My blog, Consider †his!, much of my Bible study (weak as it may be), speaking out about Christ, my contributions to 2 (hopefully 3) books, plus one of my own, have all been done on Macintosh computers. I do not choose, however, to subject myself to the Christ-limiting (in some cases) selection of iPhone apps, choosing instead a Palm Pre.

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thanks Joe.

  • Steve was certainly inspirational in the fact that he pursued his dreams. However, if he is anything like the fool of Luke 12, he died with a very big "barn" but was not rich toward God.

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thanks for the illustration. I don't disagree with that. It doesn't negate the way God can use the products he created.

  • Regardless of the path Steve trod with God, I'm finding myself totally inspired by the way he lived his life; the inspirational way he lead his company and the impact he has had on so many lives. There's no doubt that God has used him.

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thank you. God spoke through a donkey in the Bible. Steve Jobs was no donkey. He made a contribution to society that God is using.

  • jacqueline kelly
    Twitter: Jackiekay

    It grieves me terribly that the God-Most-High who makes man-kind and gives them wisdom, knowledge and understanding, among other gifts, does not get the glory nor will those who miss Him aand his will for them, get to where God intends for him/her.
    It is a mighty waste!

  • I believe Steve is a Buddhist by faith. I am not sure about his conviction about Christianity.

    I always remember his "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish" speech to Stanford students:
    "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thanks for this Uma

  • Ron,

    I think wha you have here is a valid point. I am a huge believer in the power of social media. It's where the world is today. Did Apple and Jobs invent the internet, smartphones, social media, mobile web or anything related? No. But they single handily shaped the way we interact with all of those things today. You cannot argue that an di am grateful for the avenues I have today to give me chances to do ministry.

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thank you Chris.

  • Jon says:

    I'm just a year older that Steve. I grew up in that same generation of the computer revolution. I've always been interested in Apple and with Steve and the other Steve (Woz). I've watched over the years at the products that Apple developed, but could never afford them or justify them in my personal or work environment. A few years ago a friend gave me an old iMac and I was hooked. Since then I have a Mac Pro at work, two iMacs at home a number of iPods for the kids, an iPhone and an iPad. I've watched with great interest as Apple again and again, with Jobs at the helm, has seen through the clouds of sameness and tradition to lead the way, not just follow; and mostly succeed. I think that he was a visionary man who really followed his heart and was true to himself.

    I don't know about his spiritual side, but he is a shining example of doing what you love, being true to yourself, working hard to make things better, never giving up, and always looking at the bigger picture. I prayed for him and his family last night. We never met, a that's something that I would have really liked. He's one of a handful of people that I "grew up with" that I would really have liked to have had a conversation with.

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thanks for your reflection and perspective

  • Bill Beeskow says:

    The comment thread is very interesting and inspires a question: if Apple makes profits off Christians, then uses those profits to create laws that force Christian pastors to officiate weddings of same-sex couples, or forces Christian churches to have a 'diverse' leadership, is that worth it? And I'm not saying Microsoft is any better; Apple, though, has been very active in matters that appear, at least to me, very anti-Christian.
    We in Sumner county are experiencing an attack on our school system by the ACLU. School system employees don't have the right to visibly worship when they are on the clock or risk violation of the establishment clause. So an organization with a lot of money is making use of that money to further their social agenda, and pushing us away from Constitutionally protected rights. I pray that, somehow, God willing, Apple changes its' tune regarding their social agenda.


    • ronedmondson says:

      Those are great questions Bill. I suppose much of it is a matter of perspective. I would also say it's an illustration of what Joseph said, “You intended evil, God used it for good”Thanks

  • I love his inventions too. Although I think it's going a little far to single him out for his distinct contributions to Christianity. It's a little misleading to lionize the man by saying that his inventions, which are neutral in nature, have greatly contributed to the field of Christianity. When in reality, they have contributed to all fields, both good and bad.

    This would be like praising Alexander Graham Bell for inventing the telephone, with which we use to communicate with our brothers and sisters from around the world, or singling out Bill Gates inventing Powerpoint, with which we use for sermons and worship music, or Al Gore for inventing the internet (tongue in cheek). These are great tools that have been invented… and they have been used for great good and great harm.

    I respect the man for what he has done. But I'd rather make a hero out of someone who actually labored for Christ than someone who labored for his own ego and for the almighty dollar.

    • So very well said.
      I'm not sure how you can say "I don't know anything about Jobs spiritual life or his relationship with Christ. I know, however, that Steve Jobs made an incredible contribution to Christianity." the two statements are in opposition to one another. The only incredible contribution one can make to Christianity is through a life lived in service to Christ.

      I write these words from my iPad which I enjoy as a tool and use in ministry, but how tragic is a life full of creativity and brilliance is so lost in a world of ME. There are not called "I" products for nothing.

      <>< Craig McCourt

      • ronedmondson says:

        Christians are certainly using the products of Steve Jobs for sn ultimate good. That was my only point. Thanks for your comment

    • ronedmondson says:

      My intent is not to label him a hero. I'm not even saying he was a great man. I'm simply saying God is using his creativity, which whether Jobs knew it or not was a God-given gift, for an ultimate good. All things are created for Him and by Him. Col 1:16, Romans 11:36

  • I feel like we lost our generation's Thomas Edison! He completely changed how we live with the original Macintosh computer. He made computers part of every day life not just something major corporations used. Yes, Christians benefited greatly from his accomplishments.

    • ronedmondson says:

      And from my other comments he probably never knew or even intended them to be used in this way. God has a way of turning things for eventual good

  • I wish Steve Jobs was a Christian, (the Washington Post says he was a Buddhist)…

    At least I could have meet this great man and business leader face to face when the Lord raptures His church to be with Him forever. I am really worried about his soul…

    • ronedmondson says:

      Thanks for sharing. That's the one I read. I pray he had an experience with Christ after this article and before his death.

  • Ron, Jobs was a Buddhist, although I believe he came to it later in life. That said, he was a gifted dreamer and innovator, who has enriched my life in many ways. He will be missed.

    • ronedmondson says:

      I actually did read an article about a possible Buddhist faith. Of course, I'm never sure exactly whether to believe what I read online or not. Thanks.

      • If the articale had claimed he was a Christian would you have been as skeptical?

        • ronedmondson says:

          Steve, I'm not sure if your question is for me or Wayne. My point of the article was to point out that Jobs made contributions to society that benefit Christians. I'm not skeptical about any of that….

      • Wikipedia's article on Jobs indicated that he had Buddhist monks officiate at his wedding.

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