Tapping Into Your Inner Duck Dynasty: How to Be Happy, Happy, Happy During the Holidays


Someone on Facebook posed this question:

“If we’re so thankful, why is it that the day after Thanksgiving, we’re all rushing out to get more of the “stuff” that the world says will make you happy?”

Good question.

We all think, “If I could just have _________, then I’d be happy!” or, “If I could just get that job, (so I could buy more “stuff”!), then I’d be happy.


Black Friday Shopping, Madagascar

I think that lie started for me the first time I browsed through a Sears Christmas Catalog, marking all those beautiful pictures with a “V” so my parents would know exactly what I wanted.  (We didn’t have Toys R Us back then!)

I’m definitely not a naysayer, so don’t get me wrong here.  I LOVE CHRISTMAS!  I LOVE giving, and I LOVE watching my children and grandchildren’s excitement as they open gifts.

The truth is, though, every mom out there has seen the highs and lows of Christmas morning…

Fifteen minutes after the presents are opened, someone is disappointed that they didn’t get that one gift they knew would make them happy.  Or the happiness of the moment is lost in the mess and the chaos that seems to be inevitable.

If it’s inevitable, then what do we do to encourage a right attitude during the holidays?

  • First, We need a healthy dose of, “It’s not all about you!”

  • Second, set limits!  This is probably one of the hardest things for a gift-giver to do.  And the biggest mistakes we make: overspending.  It’s my weakness.  It’s one of the ways I love to show the people I love how much I love them. :o) One of the best things I did was to change the way I give.  I stole the idea, have changed the list, but the idea is the same:  Four Simple Gifts

Four Simple Gifts

  • Third, take time to reflect.  I am, by nature, an introvert.  I enjoy my family, love having everyone together, and am thankful for every moment with them, BUT… I need time to just relax and savor the moments.  My tendency is to move from one thing to the next too quickly.  I have a  “Martha” personality –finish opening presents, clean-up, get things “back to normal”, start working on lunch… you get it.  Take the time to read the Christmas Story before opening gifts.  As you are thanking your loved ones for their gifts, remember to thank The Giver of All Good Gifts.

Let all the papers and bows sit long enough for you to sit and soak in the joy of the moment.

If you’ve watched the Duck Dynasty show, you don’t have to watch too many episodes before you figure out that the reason this family is so “happy, happy, happy” is not because of their material blessings: it’s all based on FAITH and FAMILY.

“You have made me rejoice, Lord, by what You have done; I will shout for joy because of the work of Your hands.” Psalm 92:4

~~Vickie @Madagascar 2014

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