The Art of Waiting - Jewell Utt

    Waiting is a hard thing to do. It’s much easier to jump right in and be a “doer of the Word” as James instructs. Doing achieves a feeling of accomplishment, forward motion, activity. Conversely, waiting can feel like doing nothing at all.

    Waiting is an art to be cultivated and should be considered a worthwhile achievement. One that requires reflection, meditation, dependence, and timely distraction from the issues at hand. The Word that James calls us to “do” includes stillness in the presence of God, seeking His direction and wisdom as a first action. 

    Active waiting can achieve clarity, develop patience and prevent embarrassment. It’s a time that allows other aspects of a project to be set in motion. Many times God is working things together and using our time of waiting to teach us more, to change our perspective, to open our eyes to possible repercussions.

    Anything worth doing comes with a load of care and concerns. There’s a curve to be managed and that only reveals itself though time. The Bible tells us to expect opposition and persecution in this life and that’s just what we face when we step out to accomplish even the simplest of tasks. There’s a price to be paid for anything we determine to achieve; in research, funding, support and objectivity.

     Expect hard work, prepare for rejection, and preface it all with a time of stillness. This will make the difference between wasting time and worthwhile achievement. These are The Elements of Artful Waiting.

    What’s the hardest part of waiting for you?

    Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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