The Bigger Picture

I first learned to drive back in mid-1960, my dad gave me some great advice,
“Never lose sight of the bigger picture.” He trained me to constantly
monitor what was happening on my left and right, in my rear-view mirror, and as
far down the road as I could see. Over the years, I’ve realized that Dad’s
words apply not only to driving a car, but to other areas of life as well.

Jesus had similar advice when He spoke to His disciples about their role in the
world, “…open your eyes and look at the fields!” (John 4:35) In
other words, one of the first priorities for every follower of Christ is to
cultivate a global perspective.

When my wife and I used to take walks, or if I were riding my bicycle, I would
sometimes catch myself looking down at the ground in front of me. I kept
reminding myself to look up and view my surroundings. It’s a far more inspiring
view, and safer, too.  Life is too short
to spend it staring at the ground.  And
there is far too much beauty in God’s grand creation to miss.  

Camas Prairie, Idaho

 Many believers also don’t take time to appreciate the vast sweep of God’s
redemptive plan in the scriptures, and how God has uniquely prepared them to
participate. When we lift our eyes, our hearts will be touched by the immensity
of the harvest task, the scarcity of workers, and the spiritual readiness of many
to embrace the good news.

“Never lose sight of the bigger picture.” Through the years, Dad’s
advice has protected me from danger and distraction, and given me so many
memories to

accompany into my twilight

each time I lift my eyes, I am changed.  I see things I never noticed before.  The picture gets clearer, and my life takes on
more meaning.  My passion to connect
“those who know” with “those who don’t” grows. 

“I lift up my eyes to the hills– where does my help come from?  My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  (Psalm 121:1)

How about you? Have you lifted your
eyes lately?

How Do I Get Right with God? 

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