The Christmas Story Day 9

    Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | December 18, 2021

    The Christmas Story Day 9

    Christmas story

    Matthew 1:23

    God with us”

    We are not on a boat set adrift without hope.

    He is here in the earth’s majesty, but also in the tiny details.

    God has left his fingerprints all over this world for us to witness.

    God’s not finished either, He is always at work, through His prophets, through scripture, through His people and circumstances that surround you every day.

    Then to make things even more intimate, God sends His son.

    How much more “with us” can that be, to send the son in human flesh to walk among us.


    Excerpt from the book:

    A Word from the Word

    A commentary on the Gospel of Matthew

    Frank Walker


    Blurb Books

    Frank J Walker LMFT, retired

    Check out all his posts and view his videos “A Marriage Minute”

    Frank’s books are available @

    Vlog @ Frank Walker LMFT



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