The Distraction of What We Don't Have — Broken & Hopeful

A mentor of mine was talking to me recently about how often we obsess on what we don’t have, allowing ourselves to get distracted and discouraged. We are limited enormously when we are frozen in the comparison, obsession and looking off at what we think will complete us or make us happy. 

Maybe it’s a relationship. Or a skill. Or financial security (perceived or temporary as it might be). Or a thousand other things we look at and desire, thinking that if we could just have the thing, we would be content and satisfied.

But that’s the rub. We might get whatever it is we desire, and it just pushes us to another thing. That’s the nature of this life—constant distraction and pushing towards something else we think we need and don’t have. It won’t satisfy. It won’t fulfill. 

So, what’s the alternative? Looking at what we have. 

First, it’s the good gifts God has given. Right away when we start looking at things we are grateful for, we are tempted to go to what we don’t have. Or that’s my experience. Thanks, God, for a new day…and look at all I have to do—if I just had some help, I would be so much better off. Or, thanks for my friendships…but they didn’t invite me last time they went to do something together and it really stung. We tend to take whatever thankfulness we have to the negative very quickly. It becomes a training of your mind to stay in the gratitude, to keep focusing on being content with what you have. We have to pursue the skill of noticing the good around us. 

Second, it’s God Himself. He promises to provide everything we need, so if we don’t have it—we don’t need it! He is the One who satisfies us, who feeds us, who brings peace that passes all understanding. He is our hope, our way ahead, our truth, our life, our provision, our light in darkness, our sustenance, our fellowship, our love and acceptance, our rock to stand on, our belonging, our faithful one, our comforter—He is what we have, and what we have is more than enough for any situation. 

The next time you think of what you don’t have or what you think you are missing, remember you have many good gifts and above all, you have God Himself present and active in your situation. Nothing is too big for Him, or too much. No one is too broken or messed up. Invite Him into your mess, allowing Him to be everything you need. This is life as a branch on the Vine. His Life flowing through us to accomplish the Christian life. And we can rest in that. Don’t allow what you don’t have to be your distraction. It is not going to satisfy. 

 I am convinced that my God will fully satisfy every need you have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through the Anointed One, Jesus Christ! Philippians 4:19

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