The Divine Language of Bees

(Photo: Unsplash)

As daylight dwindles by moments, inching toward the autumnal equinox’s perfectly apportioned twelve hours of daylight and darkness, activity among the animal kingdom escalates. Photographing changes in my Autumn Joy sedum, God treated me with a flurry of bee activity close up. Lingering, the divine language of bees invited me into captivating revelations of the Creator.

My recent time in the garden treated me to new insights found hidden in the divine language of the bees so busy about the remaining flowers.

Welcome back to the garden for a time of Garden Grace, where we allow God to reveal Himself through His creation. Once a month we linger together gleaning all He has for us through the beauty of plants, trees, animals and insects. I can’t wait to share my most recent discovery with you!

divinely busy bees

Enjoying the transition from summer to autumn in my garden, the increase of bee activity captured my attention. Attracting many bees, butterflies, and birds, our pollinator garden often boasts a variety of lingering bees throughout the summer.

Yet, as I sensed the change in the air, creation was well into winter preparations, including a flurry of my black and yellow winged friends harvesting the last of the season’s pollen.

No mere coincidence, the intricacy of a beehive not only demonstrates the interdependency of believers upon one another; but showcases the magnificence of our Creator God.

Lingering to observe the bees over several days, the divine language of bees revealed their unique characteristics and God’s amazing design in their creation.

close up of bees on honeycomb

Honeybees maintain a honeycomb design in their hives which baffles scientists in its precision and complexity.

In addition to their precise engineering skills, they communicate through a series of sounds, recognize members of their own hive community, see colors beyond the color spectrum available to us, and remain fiercely loyal to their community.

a divine language

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Proverbs 16:24

In a previous Garden Grace post on God’s voice in the garden, I shared amazing information learned about the humming of bees. Their humming is so much more than the sound of their wings!

With the recent increased bee activity, God reminded me of key points about His voice, originally shared in my post from last year. Ironically, my prayers over the past few weeks centered on hearing God’s voice more clearly!

Revisiting these points filled my heart with Joy as I savored the characteristics of God’s voice and words as demonstrated by the bees!

wooden bowl with honeycomb
  • Healing. The actual sound of bees humming stimulates the release of serotonin and dopamine; providing rest to the body and nervous system. While soothing to humans and other animals, the bee humming soothes and heals their colony.

God’s voice in my heart and through His Word brings comfort, healing, and Joy, as I spend time listening to Him.

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103)

  • Unique. Unlike birds, all bees make the same humming sound, but each colony has their own vibration variation! Even the bees within the same colony vibrate uniquely for their “station” in life. For example the drones differ from the foragers, and the queen differs from them all.

God’s voice is like no other; tuned to my heart, those belonging to Him, know His voice intimately.

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

divinely celebratory

Pondering the bees up close, watching them fill their pollen sacs, I noticed each day more bees came to the same spot than the day before. Obviously when the bees returned to the hive, they must have a way of letting others know of the best pollen spots!

Turns out they have a little pollen dance, in the shape of a figure eight, which lets other bees know the exciting news, complete with the exact direction and distance from the hive!

God is a Joyful God, desiring we enjoy Him, His creation, and the fellowship of family and friends.

Jesus came revealing the Father’s love for us that His Joy might dwell in us, resulting in our own fullness of Joy in our Christian walk with Him. (John 15:11) Divinely celebratory, God rejoices over us with singing!

“He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life
    with his love.” (Zephaniah 3:17)

bees on sedum

the divine language of bees

Always precious, my time in the garden fascinated me with the absolute magnificence of creation in my time spent with the honeybees. Truly amazing creatures, honeybees not only reflect the splendor of our Creator, but share a beautiful example of harmony, hardwork, and faithfuness in community.

Lingering in listening to the divine language of bees this month, captured my heart with reminders of comfort and healing in God’s word, while igniting my Joy in a God who rejoices over me in His love.

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