The knowledge of this world cannot save mankind - Raising Zion

the knowledge of this world

The more we increase in the knowledge of this world, the more sorrowful we get (Ecclesiastes 1:17,18). How has all the knowledge and wisdom of man made the world a joyful place? A place full of love, peace and harmony?

It’s the opposite when it comes to increasing in the knowledge of God. When we unite in faith, and in the knowledge of God, we grow into the perfection of Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:5). The wisdom of God transforms us and gives us the rest we need to live an overcoming life (James 3:17,18).

The knowledge of this world is temporary

Moses was raised in the Pharaoh’s house like his own son. He had the best education, physical skills, wealth, etc. He gave up the pleasures of this life to do the will of God. God humbled him and stripped him off his old ways so he could be fully dependent on God.

Daniel, a man of science, could not interpret the King’s dream using all that he learned on earth. He prayed and received the answers from heaven; glorifying the almighty God.

Nicodemus was a knowledgeable man. He was a ruler among the Jews. Yet, he couldn’t understand what it meant to be born again (John 3:10). He was troubled in his heart seeing Jesus because he realised the miracles of Jesus could only be from God. He came in the quiet of the night to meet Jesus alone.

Nathanael was a man of repute, but he could not imagine any good could come out of Nazareth. Man’s perspective is often predictable and impacted by pre-conceived notions. (John 1:46)

Paul, before salvation, was well-read and zealous concerning his knowledge. He lived a terrible life, full of murderous and violent actions against believers.
Till he met Jesus.
Everything changed.

The moment we shift our focus from Jesus who is the only true wisdom, we will enter into a sorrowful state. Grow in the wisdom of God to increase in joy. Tell the world about the everlasting joy in Jesus. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen.

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