What Did Mummy Say?

     One thing I find difficult with Lydia sometimes is her questions. I’m not sure if she actually forgets that she has already asked the question five times in the last five minutes, or if it’s more of a habit. 

    I get tired of the same question over and over again. So when I have already answered, I say, “What did Mummy say?” She usually knows the answer. If I ignore her, she will sometimes answer herself. She needs to remind herself of what I have said.

    While I am writing this, Lydia has just asked me for the fourth time about swimming. I said, “What did Mummy say?” “Tomorrow!” she answered.

    Thankfully God has far more patience than I have, and He doesn’t tire of sincere prayers. But like Lydia, we need to remind ourselves, “What has God said?”

    When Jesus was tempted in the desert, He answered Satan 3 times by saying, “It is written…” He is our example. He remembered what God has said.

    When we are tempted to worry, doubt, be discontent, afraid, and so on, we need to remind ourselves, “What has God said?” We need to remind ourselves constantly of the promises and commands of God. Because like Lydia, we need them over and over again!

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