What is God saying to you? | Young Guns Edition — SAMUELDEUTH.COM

    As we wrapped up our 2013 Fall Quarter at Champions Centre College, I asked a few of our day interns to tell me what God has been saying to them and what God is currently challenged them on. I love the heart and passion of these young leaders and I think you'll see why. They share some great inspiration and issue a few challenges we can all apply to our lives. Enjoy!

    Joe Tabao | Second Year, Worship Intern: Obedience is incredibly important in our walk with God. When we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit we can see what God wants to do in our lives and the purpose He has given us. However, we need to stay obedient in our walk even when we don’t see the outcome we want. In our generation people crave instant gratification and want God’s outcome now but sometimes that’s not God’s intention. God wants us to keep walking even when we don’t see the purpose He has called us to. We need to walk by faith and not by sight. When we walk in obedience we strengthen our faith. We need to stay obedient because that is God’s plan for us. As Christians, obedience is our responsibility and the outcome is God’s responsibility.

    Danielle Flukinger | Second Year, Children's Ministry Intern: Right now in my life, God has been teaching me to have a heart for others. Many times I’ve had a discerning heart but recently God has been pushing me out of my boundaries, stepping out, praying, and honouring others more. Not even by what I may say but by what I do that can also speak volumes. Jesus never left out anyone, but would speak to those others looked down on. We’re called to love just like He loved us, and I’m realizing more that part of being a leader is to not overlook anyone but to include like Christ did.

    Josiah Lewis | First Year, Youth Ministry Intern:There are so many seasons and tests that come upon us throughout our journey of life that God uses to strengthen us. In my life today the biggest test that God has been speaking to me and saying to me is to be patient. Most the time with my generation it can be in the mindset of I want it now but the reality is it never happens like that. In Isaiah 40:31 it says, “Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.” I just pray every day that God will give me strength to push on and be patient.

    EJ Haynes | Second Year, Media Intern:  I believe God is trying to speak to me that there is more. That there is more for me, more for my church, more for my family, more for my leadership, more with my relationship with Christ. This is a season to keep going and expect more in all aspects of life. I feel that he is saying that it’s not time to stop and get stagnate with the current success we have had but to celebrate them and then move on to the next goal He has set forth in front of us!

    Jordyn Scott | First Year, Youth Ministry & Champions Foundation Intern:  Luke 9:23 "whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Everyday we have a decision, a divine choice, a free will; choose the weight of our cross or the burden of this world. God is teaching me the benefit of waking up and slinging my cross over my shoulder. My cross is different, made to fit my shoulders curve to my back and the weight is not too heavy, yet never light enough to forget the grave, love and salvation God has shown me. I am also learning not to compare my burdens, struggles, hang up with others. We are all meant to carry a different cross. Right now God is teaching me what it feels like to choose Him everyday and follow His example. He is being still, constant and calm while, I am pushing, moving, running, towards Him. I am doing all that I can do to take the cross He has given me, without shame or regret. In this season this question is at the front of my heart: 

    How can I be to this world what God designed me to be?See why I love these young guns!! I hope what God is saying to them, encouraged and challenged you as well. As I finish this post, I want to encourage you to think about and answer the same question. What is God saying to you?

    Samuel Deuth

    Passionate follower of Jesus! My amazing wife Katie, and our two girls are living our whole lives to see God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven; we’re also having the most fun in the process with our family and great Awaken Church community!


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