What is Holy communion- bible study

What is Holy communion- bible study

Posted on December 23, 2008 Updated on December 22, 2008

Memorise: “And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt” (Exodus 12:13

Read: John 6:48-58

BY Pastor E. Adeboye

Usually, we eat to live, receive strength and be healthy. The Holy Communion is a meal that transcends the regular purpose of eating. It possesses super curative powers, hence it acts like medicine. But unlike regular medicines, it is capable of stopping death on its tracks.

Exodus 12:13 says, “And the Blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt”.

Many of us have failed to realize that whenever the Holy Communion is taken according to God’s prescription, it singles out the communicants and their households for special protection. It is an antidote to plagues. When there is an epidemic, the Holy Communion is the meal to take, as it will bring the fellow under God’s special covering. If you are affected by any plague even after receiving this incomparable meal, something must be wrong somewhere – there might be an unconfessed sin, or a breach in the receipt or administration of the meal.

Another benefit of this meal is that it acts as a divine charm. It is common knowledge that having made unsuccessful attempts to be rich, some people consult native doctors or occult groups, and enter into
covenant of extreme wealth for a few years, say seven years, in exchange for remaining years on earth.

Then they will be given something – Satan’s unholy communion to eat. A man ate this but it never worked: rather, it became like a god inside him. When the day of death approached and no wealth was in sight, he ran to us at the Ebute-Metta headquarters. He pretended to give his life to Christ and we prayed for him and he vomited what he ate.

He attended the church for a while then he stopped. When we followed him up, he discouraged us from paying more visits claiming that why the charm he swallowed did not work was because it was swallowed wrongly. He visited the native doctor and swallowed another charm. When the thing was about to kill him, he decided to run to Britain thinking that could prevent its effect. He died on board the air bus to Britain!

Satan’s unholy communion can never do anyone good. In the process of deliverance, many live creatures such as snakes, lizards, snails and even strange objects are vomited. If you have gone to the house of any native doctor, occultist, or spiritual church using holy water and candles, as well as making sacrifices, what you have swallowed will continue to work against you. Immediately go to a living church, give your life to Christ, renounce every covenant with the satanists and submit yourself for deliverance.

Anything the devil or his agents give to you physically or spiritually works against you. Ask that God would nullify every food or drink taken in the dream.

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