Whose side is God on anyway?! A post about Tebow and Tiger... - After the Altar Call

Hello World!!!

Guess what I spent most of yesterday doing? …Although I rarely sit down to watch a football game, I watched pretty much the entire SEC Championship game between the Florida Gators and the Crimson Tide — of course the wings, the libations and the raucous Roll, Tide, Roll fans helped…Yes, I was at a game party…

As I watched the game, those around me graciously told me about some of the players and explained some of the history between the two teams as I confessed my ignorance. One player caught my attention, Tim Tebow, the quarterback for the Florida Gators….As he was running up and down the field in the Georgia Dome, I finally figured out that he had a scriptural reference painted on the eye black on his face….John 16:33 actually…and since I am fascinated by religion and such…I kept wondering about the content of the verse…

And I wasn’t the only one. As the game unfolded and it was clear the Tide was going to wash over the Gators, people around me started saying variations of, “What’s up with that Bible verse on Tebow’s face?” So someone finally looked up the scripture on a Blackberry or some other smartphone…

John 16:33 (New International Version)

 33“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Of course, once someone read the verse, we tried to figure out what the verse meant as Tebow was beginning to tear up, anticipating his team’s loss…Some said it obviously meant that Tebow was going to be “aight”  though his team lost…That could be true…After a quick Google search, I have discovered that Tebow frequently has scriptural references painted on his eye black and is a unabashed Christian…..so why did God allow his team to lose then?  And when a sports reporter interviewed Mark Ingram from Alabama, he said the first thing he wanted to do was thank God for Alabama’s victory…One Alabama fan in the room gleefully noted that Tebow “doesn’t have the monopoly on God.”

So what’s up with all that? Most games, football or otherwise, can be compared to life…and with that metaphor in

Mark Ingram

mind, ponder these questions…

Why does God allow us to lose big sometimes when we are obviously believers in Him and His word? If two Christians are on opposing sides, how does God decide who will be the victor?  Does being a Scripture quoter mean that you know God more? 

Still on the same topic – the SEC Championship game …Besides the scripture discussion, folks were also discussing Tebow’s crying after the game. Many of the dudes at the party criticized Tebow for crying and also criticized one of his fellow players who tried to comfort him as he cried. They said Tebow needed to “Man Up!” and hit their chests for emphasis…hilarious…

So here is my second round of questions? Is it ever appropriate for a man to cry in public? If so, why? If not, why?

And here is my final round of questions…of course, we got on the discussion of Tiger Woods…y’all know the story…and if you don’t, a quick Google search will get you up to date. Most men at the party agreed that 90 percent of all men cheat at some point in their lives whether they are in a relationship with a woman as a single man or married…it that true? Why or why not?

Any thoughts?



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