Why Are We So Eager? — Michelle Blan

Eager. What does it mean exactly?

It’s safe to say that much of our world is eager to have life return to normal. And, it’s understandable thanks to all of the changes and adjustments we have had to make over the last couple of months. Normalcy brings comfort and contentment, doesn’t it?

Those who leave everything in God’s hands will eventually see God’s hand in everything.


We have to stop and consider something. See, if you know God even in the slightest, then you know that coincidences aren’t really his thing. Our world is so intricately designed that each and every action, event, detail, idea and so forth is planned out before it happens. YOU were even planned before you happened.

So the world as it is today under the grips of COVID-19? Likely just another check mark on the list of things to throw our way here on Earth. Things that we need to overcome and things that will help us grow and things that will show us we aren’t alone in the world.

We have found ourselves in this new way of life and now we are eager to get back the old way. Why don’t we just sit still for a minute? Why don’t we relish a little bit longer in how the world is today, right now? Why don’t we continue to allow God’s beauty unfold in everything around us for just a little longer?

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

Colossians 3:12

Let’s be patient. Let’s stay safe. And when the time comes to return to that old sense of normal, we need to remember to hold on to everything we’ve learned during this time.

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