Why does God allow evil things to happen and evil people to prosper?

Why does God allow evil things to happen and evil people to prosper?

Posted on April 25, 2014


Is there really a God? Is God a fact or fiction? If God exists why is my life in such a mess? Why is so much suffering in the world? Why has is so much evils and wickedness in the world if there is a God? These are common questions in the mind of several people

Genesis 1 vs. 31 – Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

  1. The word of God makes us to realise that all things God created are good
  2. God does not create evil unless as a tool of punishing anyone that challenges His powers and disobeys His laws.
  3. If there are no punishment for disobeying God, if there are no evils as rewards of sin, I guess very few people will obey the commandments of God.
  4. The words of God is that no evil shall befall you (Psalm 91) if you serve and obey the Lord.
  5. God allows evils to happen to anyone that willingly disobeys hid laws.
  6. If you see any evil around you or experience any evil, know surely that this is from the devil not God
  7. You need to stand against any evil, reject it, cancel it and pray against it
  8. Don’t allow yourself to be cheated by the devil who sponsors and spreads evils
  9. If you are a child of God, you have been empowered to overcome evils (1 John 5 vs 4) For anyone born of God overcomes the world
  10. I rebuke and speak against every evil works against your life in Jesus name
  11. Let goodness and mercy pursue you daily in Jesus name.

    By Babatope Babalobi

                         babalobi@yahoo.com    +2348035897435

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This entry was posted in God, Sin and tagged babalobi, babatopebabalobi, Bible, Christian, Church, deliverance prayers, devils, evils, God, holiness, Satan, sermon, Sermons, Sin, suffering.

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