Will You Prioritize Your Safety Or His Desires?

This is directed to Christians and anyone else open to receiving the message. I understand not everyone is Christian. But anyone, including non-Christians are welcome here. I believe everyone should be informed, respected and safe.

First, a warning that this is a sensitive topic meant for mature people. It is not meant for very young readers. I will share some knowledge on this very important topic and point to the best way- God’s way.

From the beginning of time, in Genesis 1: 28, God said to the male and female, “Be fruitful and multiply.” God’s plan for sex was for a man and woman to marry rather than fornicate, and to raise godly offspring. I know not everyone will have children and that is okay also.

But something happened with mankind. There was the fall of mankind into sin after Adam and Eve disobeyed God and partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:6).

Although Adam and Eve were fruitful and multiplied, beginning with Cain and then Able, sin had already been introduced into the human race.

The sinfulness of humanity is generational and includes all types of sins, including sexual sins. I’m speaking on the topic of sexual issues lately, because there’s typically too much silence about it in Christian communities.

Yet, sexual sin is one of the more prevalent, destructive sins running rampant among Christians and non-Christians alike. One problem I have acknowledged is the use of pornography. Pornography is dangerous, destructive for many reasons.

For example, I believe pornography usage is one of the reasons choking someone and other forms of violence during sex have become popular.

Some people who consume pornography develop harmful desires that are centered in violence and degradation. I have observed that many ladies have low self-esteem and will put up with almost anything from their men inside and outside of the bedrooms.

Some women are being slapped, kicked, choked or strangled during sex [1]. Some claim to enjoy it. However, ladies, God intended sex to be an act of intimacy, love, and procreation between a husband and his wife.

One thing many pornography users have in common is a loveless desire for violence with sex.

Friends, I respect people’s free will and the fact that people have preferences. But I just want to point out that some things are not safe or healthy.

In a world where dangerous, deviant practices are being normalized, it’s important to recognize how dangerous they can be.

Some women are willing to do things that they don’t enjoy doing and wouldn’t otherwise do, in order to please their men sexually.

Some men have spiritual and mental problems that cause them to want to dominate, control, disrespect and abuse women in order to feel powerful and gratified. Some women are the same way with men.

These desires are taken to the bedrooms. People are going to do what they choose to do, but just remember that safety- spiritually, physically, emotionally and otherwise is of the utmost importance.

There are numerous reports acknowledging the dangers of being choked.

The person being choked is in danger in various ways. Knowledge and self-respect help determine how we allow ourselves to be treated.

I often wonder how much training and instructing people are doing with their children? How much are they monitoring their children and how much structure are they providing? How well are they protecting them from pornography?

Many children are exposed to pornography at young ages. I understand when children become adults they will do as they please, regardless of what they are exposed to.

Plenty parents are also very careful and protective, but their children still dabble into harmful things. I understand that.

But something seems missing in many homes when it comes to proper care, instruction, protection and demonstration for children. The manifestations of this is seen everywhere.

Contributing factors to sexual deviancy are as follows:

• Boys are often without proper instruction and demonstration concerning sexual matters.

• Some fathers are even proud of their sons’ sexual immorality and encourage it. Others are just passive about it. They don’t instruct and train them to have sexual integrity.

• Boys are often without proper male mentorship where male promiscuity and violence against women is counteracted properly and vehemently discouraged.

• Plenty boys are exposed at young ages to pornography.

• Plenty boys are not properly affirmed during their childhoods and learn quickly that society praises them for promiscuity. And that sex brings them feelings of affirmation.

• Some boys and girls are having sex from very young ages.

• There are girls who are not receiving proper instruction, demonstration, have low self-esteem and are exposed to pornography early as well.

• Many children have sadly been sexually abused.

Fatherlessness and improper parenting by both moms and dads continue to be a profound problem.

I spotlight bedroom choking because this dangerous play is becoming the norm for some people. Some women are actually complaining about how their boyfriends or husbands treat them sexually, that they are hurting them. This is sad!

But they don’t know what to do! No one should do things that they are not comfortable doing and accept being treated in a way that is disrespectful and harmful.

This is a reminder of how big of a pornography problem there is. Meanwhile, many Christians remain pretty silent on the matter.

I speak out on serious topics that are often glossed over. People should also be informed proactively about these things before they become married. Sometimes, people marry unwittingly other people who wish to be violent with them in the bedroom.

Imagine getting married, being excited to be with your spouse and they attack you in this way or in other ways in the bedroom?! But no one warned you?

These are the kinds of things that are going on and too many people are still uninformed. Sexual strangulation or choking carries BIG risks!

Friends, if you are caught up in some of these practices, and want to change your ways, but find it difficult, just understand that God wants what’s best for you.

God wants you to be healthy, healed and holy. He can help you.

If you need help turning from harmful practices, it’s not too late to seek help. Some people have died during these harmful bedroom practices. The choice is yours. It’s good to take proper care of ourselves-spirit, mind and body.

Prayer is important. Repentance is necessary. Even professional help and spiritual counseling can be helpful. Remember, God is love and God forgives, heals and restores.

Here is some info on the dangers and prevalence of the sexual practice of choking and strangulation that has become quite popular.

[1] https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-sexual-asphyxiation

Helpful Bible Verses:

Let all that you do be done with love.

1 Corinthians 16: 14 NKJV

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1: 9 NKJV.


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