What is the Key to Receiving God’s Blessing?
Literally, no one in the history of forever has positioned themselves for a blessing simply by asking for it, voting for the “right person” or doing one small portion of God’s will. Nor is there …
Literally, no one in the history of forever has positioned themselves for a blessing simply by asking for it, voting for the “right person” or doing one small portion of God’s will. Nor is there …
I spent a great deal of time wondering how we got from a world filled with normal sinners to the kinds of deceitful, underhanded, super-sinners Paul depicts in such detail 2nd Timothy 3:1-5. It occ…
This is directed to Christians and anyone else open to receiving the message. I understand not everyone is Christian. But anyone, including non-Christians are welcome here. I believe everyone shoul…
Fly and Unmarried is a place where christian singles meet out of a church in Florida. I met the gentleman who co-leads this group through
Christians should fight to protect the God-given rights every human on earth has to life, equal treatment under the law, free speech, and the ability to worship God freely and without fear (Exodus …
Christians need these Bible verses about goodness to understand God’s love and kindness. This is purposed to guide us into righteousness.
Is abortion a sin? “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs t…
I briefly considered putting the word sex in all my blog titles just to get the clicks. However, I was told it would be misleading to write a blog on say, the pros and cons of the doctrine of deter…