
What Causes Anxiety

Delve into the roots of anxiety on our spiritual journey of faith, so that we can better understand and navigate its challenges.
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What is your life purpose? How you can achieve healing from anxiety

Mia Dinoto, a Christian young adult YouTuber, courageously shared her testimony about overcoming anorexia and anxiety through the saving grace of Jesus. Mia revealed that, during her darkest moments, her life purpose revolved around pleasing herself. She lived for her desires and aspirations, oblivious to the more remarkable healing awaited...

4 min read

How to Calm Anxiety

Draw from a strengthened belief in our Father as you explore effective ways to calm anxiety, bringing peace to the heart and mind amidst life's challenges.
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How Christians find strength in dealing with uncertainties

Dealing with uncertainties, a path many treads, is a journey illuminated by the soft light of faith and understanding.Imagine the serenity of a quiet stream; this is akin to the peace that faith brings to a Christian heart. Amid life’s unpredictable storms, faith stands firm, not as a shield against...

3 min read

Bible Verses for Anxiety

Draw from a strengthened belief in our Father as you explore effective ways to calm anxiety, bringing peace to the heart and mind amidst life's challenges.
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Bible verses for anxiety: Finding comfort in Scriptures

Are you feeling overwhelmed by anxiety? In these moments, Bible verses for anxiety can provide immense comfort and guidance. Think of it like a conversation with a wise friend who has been there and understands exactly what you are going through.Anxiety often feels like a heavy burden, one that can...

7 min read

Prayers for Anxiety

Embrace the power of prayer as a source of comfort and strength on your journey to overcome anxiety.
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Prayer for Embracing Joy and Overcoming Anxiety

Heavenly Father,In this quiet moment, I come before You, seeking the peace only You can give. My heart is burdened with worries and fears, and I long for the gladness that comes from Your presence. Lord, help me find joy in my faith, the kind of joy that dissolves anxiety...

2 min read

How to Help Someone with Anxiety

Courage to face our greatest fears will not come from our self-confidence, but confidence in God’s powerful promises to act on our behalf.