It Takes Two Wings to Fly
Jesus’ obedience to the Father didn’t start on earth; it was there from eternity past. He was willing to wait 4,000 years, watching the troubles of the people He had created, until the Father said it was time for Him to go and redeem them.
And then, in human flesh, Jesus waited again for 30 years, working as a carpenter and learning obedience, before He could begin the ministry God had sent Him to undertake.
Finally, He had three-and-a-half years to accomplish everything He came to do. And every step of the way, He did nothing on His own, but only what the Father told Him to do. (See John 8:28)
But how would Jesus make sure all this waiting, sacrifice and suffering resulted in getting the Good News to every nation of the world in the fastest and most understandable way?
Reading through the Gospels, I searched for Christ’s master plan for this question, but I found none. Then I stumbled upon Scripture portions like this one, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34–35)
In other words, the most effective way for people to understand the Gospel is through relationship. “Love one another” is the greatest of all mysteries that ushers in God’s kingdom.
We don’t really like this answer, because no matter where we live in the world, our biggest challenge is the people we live with. However, Jesus never altered His plan just because we find it hard to love others.
It’s good to have rules, regulations, and leadership skills within any family, organization, or body of believers. But in the end, nothing really works unless we understand about loving and caring for one another, and put it into practice.
But then we run into the problem of finding balance. We often deal with people who frustrate us and test our patience.
At what point do we tell them enough is enough? Do we love them until the end, like Jesus did with the disciples, taking upon Himself suffering and agony?
As a leader, I have occasionally made decisions on the side of my responsibility, morality, ethics and radical commitment to evangelical faith, only to realize a few years later that I was wrong. I should have loved a little longer. This awareness is one of the most difficult things I now live with.
It’s important for us to remember that a bird cannot fly with one wing! It needs two.
Many times you will hear or read a radical message that challenges you to total commitment and extreme sacrifice, asking you to give up everything for the sake of the Gospel, and walk away from everyone who holds you back from embracing the cross.
My friend, this is accurate, but it is only one wing of the bird. The other wing is what God said to Moses when he asked to see God’s glory, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” (Exodus 34:6–7).
If we want to be His children, we, too, need to love others just as He loves us.
There is not one of us who has not sinned. But love, grace and mercy become authentic only when we fail. That was the experience of the woman who was caught in adultery and brought to Jesus so He could judge her according to the Law. He was the only person who ever walked on earth who was qualified to say, “Go ahead and stone her.” But He didn’t. Instead, He showed mercy and sent her away in peace, calling her to sin no more. (See John 8:1-11)
We so often demand spiritual perfection from our fellow Christians, forgetting that each of us is on a journey to become more like Jesus. This journey takes time, and people will frequently fall short. Those whom God has pulled out of the deepest pit and shown the most mercy often become harsh, unbending and merciless toward their children or younger believers.
Please don’t let your discipleship and legalism obscure kindness and mercy. Remember to fly with two wings, total commitment and unconditional love. Then the world will understand the Gospel and come to know the Savior, Jesus.
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