Proverbs 23 vs. 26 – My son, give me thine heart: Sermon

Proverbs 23 vs. 26 – My son, give me thine heart: Sermon

Posted on November 2, 2017

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435

Proverbs 23 vs. 26 – My son, give me thine heart…”

  1. Daily we all pray to God to give us our needs. This is quite biblical and scriptural.
  2. Our prayer every day to God is mostly about requesting one thing or the other from God.
  3. Our prayer requests most times is requesting God to give us something
  • God give me a husband
  • God give me a wife
  • God give us children
  • God give me house
  • God give me money
  • God give me car
  • God give me visa
  • God give me job
  • God give me clothes
  • God give me.., God give me…,God give me….is a recurring decimal in our prayers
  1. The interesting thing is that any good relationship is not a one-way traffic.
  2. Relationship has to be mutually benefitting.
  3. Just as we want God to give us various things, God also want something from us.
  4. There is something God wants you to give him today, will you be willing to give Him?
  5. We may have various prayer requests before God, but God only have one prayer requests for us
  6. We may want God to give us several things, but God wants just one thing from us
  7. There is something God wants you to give him today, are your ready to give Him?
  8. We want clothes, money, house, job, husbands etc from God…but He also wants something from us. Just one thing.
  9. Let’s look at what the Bible says

Image result for Proverbs 23 vs. 26 – My son, give me thine heart…”

Proverbs 23 vs. 26 – My son, give me thine heart…”

Heaven is lamenting that several of us have giving our heart to several other gods.

Who have you given your heart?

What have you opened your heart?

How have you given other gods your heart?

I refuse to give my heart to Satan

  1. Many people have given their heart to football. A lot of people have given their heart to Manchester United (Red devils), Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Barcelona football clubs their heart. There are ready to sacrifice anything for their idol clubs and stars.
  • I cut your heart from the god of soccer in Jesus name.

How have you given other gods your heart?

  1. Have you given your heart to mobile phones instead of God? T. Are you attached to phone more that the Bible? Do you spend more time on phone more than on prayer? Don’t become too much attached to your phone, that affects your relationship with God and man.

How have you given other gods your heart?

  1. Have you given your heart to Television programmes, movies, and films… Hollywood, Nollywood, and Bollywood? TV programmes like Nigeria can become your idol when you waste productive time watching unproductive programmes. Is there any TV programme you cannot do without watching? Spend more time praying, reading the Bible rather than sleeping and watching TV programmes that never ends

How have you given other gods your heart?

  1. Have you given your heart to Guinness, Stout, Heineken, and other Strong drinks and Beers?If you are hooked to drinks then it has become your god. If you can’t do without drinking bottles at set times, that the Bacchus spirit has overcome you.
  • I decree your deliverance from Bacchus, the god of beer in Jesus name

How have you given other gods your heart?

  1. Have you given your heart to drugs and cigarettes instead of to God?:Many people are addicted to drugs and cigarettes and its adversely affecting incomes, causing depression, breaking marriages and ill health.

How have you given other gods your heart?

  1. Have you given your heart to strange women like Samson and Solomon? Are you addicted to sex? Two much sex even with in marriage becomes an addiction. It becomes worse if you are involved in any form of sexual perversion, fornication, adultery, masturbation, pornography etc.
  • Receive your deliverance from the god of sex in Jesus name

Proverbs 23 vs. 26 – My son, give me thine heart…”

  1. Have you given your heart to money?:Money anwereth all things but the love of all things breeds evil. Love of money creates greed and an insatiable appetite for money makes you define every relationship in monetary terms. The love of money has caused many people to commit evils and worship money as god.
  • Receive your deliverance from Baal, the god of money in Jesus name.

How have you given other gods your heart?

  1. Have you given your heart to fashion?:Do you lay too much emphasis on your looks, make up, make down, the cloths you wear, jewelleries, rings, and attires? Are you fashion conscious always chasing the latest styles and trends?
  • Receive your deliverance from the spirit of Jezebel in Jesus name
  1. Some people have given their heart to Dogs. Their Dogs is their God.In most parts of Europe, the dog is the heir apparent, crown prince and best friend of its owner.. Do you spend more money and time on your dog more than for God?
  • Receive your deliverance from the god of the beast in Jesus name
  1. Have you given your heart to newspapers, novels, Magazine, Books?:The Bible warns against much learning. The Bible, a compilation of stories of life, proverbs of wisdom, moral virtues and God’s plan for mankind. Some have read all series of popular Handley Chase, Mills and Booms, whereas, they have not read the Bible thoroughly. Some cannot do without reading newspapers daily, but reading a chapter of the Bible a month becomes a big problem.
  2. Have you given your heart to food:Do you find difficult to fast even till 12 noon once a week? Are you a glutton or cannot take your eyes off from food? Do you eat 24 times a day? Then food has become your god. Unless you kill your flesh and abstain from food and drinks from time to time, your spirit man will not receive the fire of God.
  • Receive your deliverance from the spirit of gluttony in Jesus name
  1. Have you given your heart to worldly music- Hip Pop, R and B, Rap??Some Christians know all kinds of latest worldly songs and sing them all day. The Bible warns about evil communication corrupting good morals.? Do you sing worldly songs rather than praising God? Unfortunately, worldly music and dance has not only penetrated but taken over the church. There are lot of dancing and entertaining churches around
  • Receive your deliverance from the god of music in Jesus name

Proverbs 23 vs. 26 – My son, give me thine heart…”

How do you give God your heart?

  1. You give God your heart by obeying his commandments and living by his laws.
  2. You give God your heart by serving him with all your strength, power and might.
  3. You give God your heart by running away from every appearance of sin such as adultery, fornication, pornography, drug addiction, greed, and covetousness.
  4. You give God your heart by joining a local church, worshipping and serving God with other Christians.
  5. You give God your heart by placing his matters first above all other things.#
  6. You give your heart by supporting the gospel, supporting evangelism, soul winning , missionary work
  7. You give your heart by paying your tithes offerings and supporting the less privilege- widows, strangers, etc
  8. You give God your heart by reading the Holy Bible and meditating on its contents day and night.
  9. You give God your heart by not embarking on any course of action without informing him and seeking his advice.
  10. You give God you heart by discussing your plans and anxieties with him in prayers.
  11. You give God your heart by refraining from joining or withdrawing your membership of any worldly, satanic and occult association
  12. Most importantly You give God your heart by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, and inviting the Holy Spirit to guide and rule your life.

Proverbs 23 vs. 26 – My son, give me thine heart…”

Do you want to give your heart to God your heart today?? Make this simple confession:

Jesus I give you my heart

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435

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This entry was posted in Holiness and tagged babalobi, Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, bible whatsapp group, christian prayers, Christianity, church, Devotionals, Faith, God, good news, Heaven, hell, Holiness, Jesus, Prayers, Proverbs 23 vs. 26, Religion, Salvation, Save the World, Success, whatsapp.

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