Mid-week musing: Some favorite reads this week – Carry on My Heart

In today’s mid-week musing I’m sharing a few of my favorite blog posts I’ve read and enjoyed this past week. You’ll notice today’s post is coming to you on Thursday rather than Wednesday. One word—School. (Where’s the palm-faced emoji when you need it?)

There are some great reads here today—enjoy!

Mid-week musing:

Fear or Faith…

Cam talks about one of my favorite subjects, faith over fear, in this post. It’s a fast, encouraging read, especially for anyone struggling with fear today. “If you’re someone who is tempted to fear and worry over the hypothetical “what if” situations that may never happen, he’s calling you to let go of those and trust him…”

How to talk to someone with cancer

This guest post by Tim Schwartz for Take Them a Meal was an insightful little piece for how to talk to someone with cancer. There are some great points including this one, “Don’t be more upset about my cancer than I am. I don’t want to be in a position where I am reassuring you about my cancer.”

Holy Hydrangeas

This is a beautiful piece of writing with all kinds of alliteration and assonance that makes it an absolute pleasure to read.

“Because to me, it seems almost profligate, this profusion. A bit much for my plain patch of suburbia. My home is no landscaped palace, after all. But beauty blooming in a corner always has a tale to tell, and if the heavens declare God’s glory, then these hydrangeas do too, their heaping heads mounded and moist with the morning, iridescent with the dew.”

How to raise teens that don’t rebel

I originally read this post by Brittany Lindenbach because of skepticism at the title, not because I’m in the camp that believes that all teens rebel—I believe quite the opposite—but because I was expecting some list of rules that would guarantee the desired outcome. However, what I found was a refreshing look at how parenting is meant to be and a child that benefited from it. There is no set equation for raising kids to not rebel but some things Brittany’s parents did can help with any parent’s struggle in this area. Click on over to read Brittany’s points: “I enjoyed my teenage years. But I knew that I was made for more than being seventeen. So why would I want to make bad decisions that would impact the future I was so looking forward to?”

Until next week!

Re-published with permission from https://carryonmyheart.com
To read more of Susan’s writing, visit carryonmyheart.com. Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/carryonmyheart/


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Susan Mcilmoil

We all have a story to share. Mine happens to be a story of the grace and kindness of Jesus. I am a wife to a first responder, a mama to three incredible young men, a lover of words and their meanings, a storyteller, a truth-seeker, and a recovering worrier, to name a few things.