Truth or Consequences…


On rare occasions I look back at some of my previous posts and decide to re-blog them. This is one of those times.

Life is full of twists and turns, and while none of us can fully know or understand what the future holds, we can know The One who holds it all together.

This post was eight years ago! Time again has flown by, and our youngest is an adult man who is settled in his job, serving the Lord and going through a difficult time.

This was a good reminder for me as I pray for him and his future that my job as his mom doesn’t change. I will pray for my children and grandchildren until my last breath. I know that God has a plan for their future and no matter how difficult life gets or how crazy the world seems, there is a God in heaven Who is Sovereign over all.

Be encouraged today to speak truth, demonstrate love, and walk by faith.

Did you ever play that game as a child?

I have a confession to make.  There is a truth that is nagging at me and I know that by confessing it, I might be able to encourage someone else who needs to hear it.

THE TRUTH:  I dropped off my baby boy at college two weeks ago and I’m still struggling.  YES, I’m happy for him–he’s in a great place, and he didn’t have to start this new stage of life alone.  He has friends and family, but more importantly, his faith.  He’s searching for the right church to serve in, and has already had an opportunity to play for worship.

Even though people have been telling me for years, I am facing the reality of the statement, “Enjoy every age and every stage of motherhood–those children grow up SO fast!”

Honestly, I am still in a lull and…

View original post 563 more words


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