4 Tips to Beat Tiredness and Boost Energy

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Fatigue. Tiredness. Lack of energy. Exhaustion. Drained. Whatever we call it, feeling like our energy tank is stuck on “E” is incredibly frustrating, and often, it is debilitating. Learning how to beat tiredness, in my humble opinion, isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

If you are experiencing overwhelming fatigue, I believe it is our body’s not-so-subtle way of telling us that something isn’t right. Maybe we need to slow down our pace, maybe we are imbalanced spiritually, nutritionally or chemically. Whatever it is – pay attention. It is only then we can heal from what ails us.

4 basic tips to beat tiredness and start living again

Like many of you do, I know how life can throw us problems we never saw coming. In times of stress, emotional overwhelm, and persistent difficulties, our bodies become as tired as our souls are weary. We long for good change.

Yes, I know, there are times we’d rather just give up, throw in the towel emotionally, and resign ourselves to those cozy blankets in our beds!

Some days may feel like more than we can handle. If that’s you, my love and thoughts are extending to you right now. This Scripture below is one I hold very dear to my heart …

He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:29-31

Prior to my supernatural healing, it was nothing for me to be so bone-tired exhausted that I slept for over 24 hours and awoke being unaware of what day or time it was.

That’s why I want to be clear – this collaborative post is not intended to downplay or dismiss the kind of exhaustion from medical conditions that change your whole life.

Instead, this collaborative post will focus on a few basic reminders to beat tiredness for good foundational health. Some of us (*ahem*) can be kind of hard-headed, right?!?

There will be much more in-depth posts to come. Stay tuned!

Going Back to the Basics Can Help Us Beat Tiredness for Good

exhausted woman lying her head on the desk

Do you feel drained every day? Are you making plans for your evening while you’re at work, only to gravitate to the sofa once you’re at home and stay there all night? You’re not alone.

Exhaustion and burnout affect nearly three-quarters of all Americans, but just because it feels the norm doesn’t mean you should accept it.

We all want to enjoy our lives more, right? Most of us when asked the question, “Would you like to have more energy?,” will answer with an enthusiastic, “YES PLEASE!

Here are four tips to beat tiredness and boost your energy by simply making choices that enhance your life, instead of exhaust it.

Life wearing you out? Don’t forget these 4 basic tips to beat tiredness to get the pep back in your step! #health #wellness #fatigue #stress #healthychoices


Stop Working So Hard! 

Boss Lady: Beat Tiredness by making simple changes

It can be easier said than done, but too many people fall into the trap of working because they feel guilty when they don’t. This is especially an issue for people who work from home, as their laptop is right there, and even a short break can feel like you’re stealing time.

However, if you never let your brain switch off, you won’t get the mental and physical rest you need.

Over time, you’ll find that you struggle to do anything but think about work. What’s worse is that even if you enjoy what you do – you will begin to resent it for the energy drain it has become.

Overwork kills your creativity because an idle brain is anything but idle. When you take time to rest, your Default Network lights up, connecting pieces of your brain that don’t usually talk to one another,” says Erin Wildermuth.

She goes on to explain that this time of rest results in explosions of creativity and fresh inspiration! Frustrated because you can’t solve an issue? Feeling stuck or uninspired? Take a break!

Our minds and our bodies NEED rest!

So, give yourself a designated start and finish time and only work within these hours. You need your off-time to relax and think of something else or simply do what you love to do because you love it!

You’ll find that when you come back to your project, you are fresh, clear-headed, and far more productive.

You are not and were not created to be a fictitious superhero! Don’t compare yourself or your progress to anyone but yourself. Do your personal best and know that it is enough! YOU are enough!

Sleep to Recharge

grey and white cozy bed with alarm clock

If you’re someone that loves a nap, this could be why you feel so exhausted all the time. Napping can be useful in small doses, but for some people, it might make it difficult for you to get to sleep later on, which will disrupt your sleep pattern and create a complicated cycle that is difficult to escape from.

Try skipping your nap-time consistently. If sleeping becomes easier at night, you just might have your answer!

** Holly’s note: For me personally, naps have proven to be a God-send when I genuinely need them. They do not seem to interrupt my natural sleep rhythm, which is why I think it’s important to find what works (or doesn’t) for you personally.

It goes back to the beginning of this post – there is no one-size-fits-all solution!

Kick Bad Habits 

yummy cupcakes
We can still enjoy treats from time to time!

Everyone has bad habits that they know they should stop. But, it’s often easier to sink back towards these habits instead of making positive changes. It’s like a security blanket of sorts because it feels good at the moment.

Cigarette smoking, for example, lowers your oxygen levels and fatigues your body. It also can create a ‘high’ with a similar energy crash to sugar!

Any of our bad habits create a major health deficit over time that leaves us sluggish. Stopping bad habits may not be easy, but they always have a great reward in the end!

Always remember: we get out of our bodies what we put in. They are much like bank accounts. Without making deposits, we can’t keep making withdrawals and not expect consequences.

If junky/fast food is your bad habit, try swapping one unhealthy food for a healthy option instead. You can take it slowly, one day at a time, that’s okay!

Have convenient, fast and healthy foods or snacks already prepared ahead of time. Trust me, this makes healthy living a LOT easier!

Feed your body foods that are high in antioxidants to give you a healthy and easy replacement for foods that offer no nutritional benefit. Best of all? They can still be delicious!

Related Reading: 7 Healthy Homemade Popsicles to Beat the Heat

We can beat tiredness by prioritizing our health and wholeness in all the ways that count – great and small.

Consider Supplements 

nutritional supplements can help beat tiredness

Sometimes, your energy levels are low because of vitamin or mineral deficiencies. It’s tricky to make sure you eat the right foods to balance these, which is why you should think about the Pros and Cons of Herbal Supplements.

Picking the right supplements will make it easier to balance and restore any deficiencies without needing to go out of your way to add ingredients to your meals. You can take one with breakfast, lunch, or dinner without any problems. 

Energized to Live Life Fully

2 people jumping for joy
Image by Moni Mckein from Pixabay

Our energy comes from more than just a good night’s sleep and a better diet. To be honest, I personally believe that one of the best ways to beat tiredness is to live on purpose.

What do I mean? When we wake up each day with a goal in mind that we can accomplish and that we are excited about, we feel challenged in a good way. We keep moving forward.

You were created on purpose, for a purpose. What makes your heart sing? What brings you joy and fulfillment? What gifts are unique to you that you can offer this world? Pursue that! It is God’s calling card in your life, leading you to the fulfillment and energy you seek.

It takes time to see results, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see a difference immediately. Instead, persevere, even in the midst of challenges, and you will be amazed at the results long-term. You & God have got this!

Hey friend, I want to hear from you in the comments below!

What is your best tip to beat tiredness? Do you struggle with any of the above? Let’s encourage one another to live our best lives!

Sending My Love & Best To Each of You,

My Prayer For You:

Father God, I thank you for my friend reading this. I thank you for their life, their heart, and the purpose you created them to fulfill. You created them as one-of-a-kind and no one could ever be them!

Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus that by the power of your Holy Spirit, you would reveal those things that are draining instead of filling their lives. Give them Your wisdom to remove these hindrances from their lives so they can walk in total freedom.

Father, I ask you to restore all that the enemy has stolen in their life: their health, their finances, their energy, their relationships, or any other area where loss has occurred. I command the enemy pay back 7 fold what was lost, according to Your Word in Proverbs 6:31.

You know how to beat tiredness, Lord. You are the answer. Reveal it to their hearts and minds in Jesus’ mighty and matchless name. We believe it is done, amen and amen.

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