The Weary Christian Must Rest Upon Christ
By Elizabeth Prata You might be feeling a bit weary, as I am feeling. Weary of our own sin, weary of the world’s sin. Weary of the election cycle. Weary of tragedies and disasters. Weary of …
By Elizabeth Prata You might be feeling a bit weary, as I am feeling. Weary of our own sin, weary of the world’s sin. Weary of the election cycle. Weary of tragedies and disasters. Weary of …
The Sabbath lasted from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. Jesus was in the tomb from late Friday afternoon and throughout all of Saturday night. In this passage, it is now Sunday morning. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body...
We understand refreshment best in the form of physical relief, but it turns out that people can be refreshing too.
I have been accused of being a workaholic. I’m not. Far from it. But I do lead a busy and full life: My full-time role is leading an incredible team to create Bible studies. I teach a class. I prea…
Jesus tells them first to rise, because they are lying on the ground, and then he says, “Let us go!” The question is, “Where?” I believe that Jesus was hoping that they would follow him after his arrest. It is also a wonderful example of how Jesus always expects the best from us, seeing the best version of ourselves, all the way until the end. – Eliezer Gonzalez Eli’s Reflection: Have you ever ended up suffering because of having been asleep in your life when you should have been awake?
As those created in the image of God, the God who created and then rested, we rest and we remember. Taking a Sabbath rest is a trust issue.
You may think that living the Christian life is either extremely boring, or nearly impossible. Waves of guilt and shame combine with a constant feeling of inadequacy to create a life of judgement and self-condemnation. At every turn, you encounter another reason that you don’t measure up or need to
Do you get enough sleep? If you are the typical American, probably not. You’ve got too much to do, right? And when you finally crawl into bed, there’s all that social media to scroll through … and …
Trusting in God's provision, we find rest even amid life's busyness. In His care, we can rest assured, knowing He provides for His beloved.
The disciples are exhausted from the journey, and together with Jesus, they need to eat and recover their strength. Jesus recognises the need to res, he says...
“He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” For there were so many people coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat.” Mark 6:31 Rest is a critical part of the Christian Read More
For the longest time contemplating the movement of rest simply failed to make sense to me. My mind labored in reconciling movement with rest.
Exodus 31:15 However, in today’s world, not many people know what the Sabbath is or why we should take a day to rest, even though God says it is so important that the person who works on the Sabbath is put to death! She is the author of “Niksen: Embracing the Dutch Art of Doing Nothing.” She had just moved there and saw that the Dutch are consistently ranked among the world’s happiest people. She is the author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, and Come Empty: Pour Out Life’s Hurts, and Receive God’s Healing Love.
God is inviting me into a place of repentance. No easy task, the work of true repentance brings deep rest to the Christian.
Sleeping well in a world full of worry. Devotional book with Proverbs 31 ministries. How can we sleep when there's so much to fear?
Yet, as at other times when the music of my life stops, a certain restlessness moves in. As if the rest somehow is misplaced.
By Elizabeth Prata I always thought the Sunday nap was because I was tired. During quarantine 4 years ago, I began to think otherwise. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done,…
I am a bargain hunter. My husband likes to remind me that it is only a good deal if it is something you need or really want and find it for a great price. But there is something very satisfying abo…
What restores your soul? Prayer? Worship? Fellowship? Quiet time? Feet in the sand? Rest? A good book? A hike in the mountains? Time with friends? Laughter? In my quiet time recently, I read this v…
Are you overwhelmed by the endless work and responsibilities?Imagine a place to pause, breathe, and find peace amidst the chaos. "Inspiring Bible Verses and Quotes to Take a Rest from Work" is a haven for you. Through this blog, you'll discover timeless Bible verses and insightful quotes encouraging you to...