A Characteristic Jewel

Post by Evangeline Njelesani

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Being present is a characteristic jewel we all highly value. We long for it from our closest friends while we're confiding in them with deepest trust, and, we desire it from our children while we're imparting to them invaluable truths.

But, we also want it in our everyday (mundane or routine) conversations. When someone asks us, "How are you?" we want to be able to answer to a listening ear. Or, when we're asking our children to complete a chore, we don't want to ask again and again with ever-increasing volume and agitation just to be heard.

When others aren't "present" in the vulnerability of our sharing, our demeanor loses its glow and we feel turned down and tuned out. It seems like what we have to say is not important to them and that those with whom we entered into conversation don't genuinely care about us.

When it all comes down to it, in the busyness of our "fast-paced— instant gratification" society, not being "present" happens all too often. We have all fallen victim to it at one time or another, and, have all been culprit of it as well.

Being present is a scarce but treasured trait. Thankfully, Scripture gives us examples to follow. The first example (and the most ultimate example of all) is God.

Psalm 46:1 describes God as our "ever-present help". In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promises, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" and again in Hebrews 13:5, God Himself says, "I will never leave you or forsake you".

God's Word is full of these promises and in fact one of His most well-known attributes, along with His Omniscience (all-knowing) and Omnipotence (all-powerful), is His Omnipresence— He is ever-present, everywhere, to everyone.

God, in His perfection, is ACTIVELY PRESENT to all, always available with a listening ear, and, ready to help whomever reaches out to Him. We can count on Him! He will never let us down!

While we can learn from God's ultimate example, He alone is omnipresent. We weren't created to be available to everyone at all times. That's why Scripture gives us a human example as well… Mary.

When Jesus came for a visit, she stopped what she was doing, sat at His feet, set her gaze on Him, and attentively listened to Him taking in every word He had to say.

Often in the everyday busyness of life, we don't naturally or easily feel like a Mary. We instead have the tendency to be more of a Martha – too preoccupied with the tasks at hand to stop, look and listen to those who need our full attention.

We can assume that Mary, like Martha, had her own daily chores and routines that needed to be attended to as well. But, she realized at that moment that they could wait and she could take time to be present with her guest.

And, she made the right choice. When Martha came to persuade Jesus to make Mary go and help her with the tasks, He spoke to Martha about being bothered with so many things and stated that Mary had chosen what is right and it would not be taken from her. Read (Luke 10:41-42).

Granted, this was Jesus that Mary stopped for, even so, we can learn from her— both in our direct and indirect encounters with Him. For it is Jesus Himself who said, "[…] whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." See (Matthew 25:40).

If first thing each morning we follow through with Mary's example, sit at the feet of Jesus, and glean from Him, it will be that much easier (as led by His Spirit) to stop for the ones who will come our way throughout the day.

Let's remember (even when it may not always seem convenient) to:


We all have boundaries and limitations making it impossible to do so to all people at all times. However, as we are led by the Holy Spirit, let’s make the most of the opportunities that do arise! Even if it's a quick and simple "stop what we're doing" and “make eye contact” it shows that we care, which is an essential part of (being present).

So, the next time our mom is on the phone sharing about her day, let's not feel obligated to kill two birds with one stone— let's make the deliberate choice to stop what we're doing and actively listen.

When our children enthusiastically run up to us displaying something they've just created— let's choose to stop, and genuinely care about them, by “being present” and taking an interest in their masterpiece.

And, if our spouse or friend answers our, "How are you doing?”— let's stop and show them how valuable they are by listening to their answer and giving a heartfelt response.

Let's take time to Stop, Look and Listen. Tasks will always be there— but people may not.

Thank you for being available today and taking the time to read the Live Grounded newsletter!

We are praying for you, Friend!

-Evangeline & Rose

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Hang it up or stick it on the fridge as a helpful reminder on 3 Simple Ways to Stay Present…

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