Being A Woman Is NOT The “Lesser Role!”

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Men are not the standard for women to measure themselves according to. I am only comparing women to men, because women have often been made to feel inferior when compared to men. This is why I say women are equally as important and valuable as men. Yes, men and women are very different, but equally valuable. Maybe you are thinking,Tell us something we don’t already know!

This post is inspired by something that was said recently by a religious person: that being a woman is a step down from being a man.

NO, lady. This person said that being a woman is a lesser role. Being a woman is not the lesser role! How many other women believe this? Being different is not being less than. It is rather mind-boggling to me that a woman would say such a thing. I considered context, but couldn’t rationzlize it. I remember that many women have been very influenced by a biased society, and by ungodly religious influence.

There are girls and women walking around believing and living according to sexist beliefs. As long as there are insecure people pushing these ideas, and other people who believe them, these falsehoods will continue to propagate. What this woman said sounds similar to some of the “nicer” things that have been said by religious chauvinists, and other insecure men I have known.

It is a no-brainer that no person is less valueable or less important than another. Isn’t it? It’s funny how secular people who may not read the Bible seem to understand such a basic concept. However, some who profess to be Christians continually misinterpret the Bible. Some church folks are truly the worst folks!

There are people who continue to misuse the Bible, twisting and distorting it to support gender discrimination and the principles of superiority and inferiority, with men being seen as superior, and women seen as inferior.

All around the world, the adversary targets women and girls harshly. In America, he is more restricted, because of general intolerance.

Before I go further, I want to acknowledge how sad and disturbing it is to know of the plight of many people in the Middle East and other areas of the world. It seems that across the whole world, some people like to treat women especially, as less than.

As I from afar witness a tiny fraction of the oppression and evil committed against the people, it grieves my heart and reminds me of how blessed we are in America. It is very important to keep the oppressed and abused lifted up in prayer.

Even in America, abuse is still common inside homes, churches, and various institutions. Not only is domestic violence and homicide still a big problem, but many religious groups and households have various types of other abuse hidden within, out of the view of the general public.

▪︎Women and girls don’t need to hear anymore that they are “less than.” They have gotten this false message in various ways, throughout their lives. Religious influence is one main source of this wrong ideology.

▪︎Hearing that they are less than, and being treated accordingly in certain regards is one reason why so many girls and women have low self-esteem. Some relentlessly seek attention and approval from men for a boost of confidence.

▪︎This has caused many to settle for less than in relationships and life.

▪︎ It has also helped to spark a radical feminist movement, and influenced girls and women to declare themselves as “goddesses” likely to compensate for being devalued.

Never does the Bible refer to a woman as being the lesser role.

Commanding the husband to give honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel within context does not mean that she is less than. A man should be gentle with a woman. He should not take advantage of his leadership and physical strength, but he should treat her delicately, giving honor unto her, as unto the weaker vessel. This way, his prayers won’t be hindered ( 1 Peter 3: 7).

Different responsibilities do not mean different levels of value.

God designed it so that a man has different responsibilities than a woman. When he refuses to live up to his God-given expectations and responsibilities, a man may be referred to as effeminate. He steps down from his responsibility, if he becomes effeminate.

When a man decides he wants surgery, because he believes he can become a woman, he is not stepping down in worth, value, or importance to “become” a woman. He is attempting to step down from a man’s responsibility to a role of different responsibility.

Being in a leadership position does not mean having greater value.

From generation to generation, many people implied that authority and leadership are interchangeable with greater value and worth.

They implied that leadership roles indicate superior worth. This ideology is engrained in the minds of some people. Some women have been programmed to believe this stuff.

They believe that being a woman is a lesser role. The only thing “lesser” about it is that she does not have the same God-given responsibility of leadership on the same level that the man does.

This doesn’t mean that she has fewer hardships, fewer duties, and it doesn’t mean that she has less value or less to contribute. She contributes differently. In this fallen and sinful world, many women are burdened with unhealthy relationships and extra burdens that God did not intend for them to have.

Look at what so many women have to go through and put up with in their relationships, and in this world. Yet, many bear it and multi-task, accomplishing many different things.

When God works through a woman, it is no less than when He works through a man.

• The woman who is a homemaker, has a husband, submits herself to him, and is strong in the Lord, is no less of an important vessel of God, than the man who is out in public as an evangelist or leader in any particular organization.

• The godly wife and mother who hold it down at the house with one or more children is no less of a vessel of God than the man who is out in the public square doing his duties. It is the same for the childless wife or single woman. They are not less than.

• Unfortunately, the world and the ungodly way of thinking places importance and value on certain positions and titles, moreso than others. Consequently, there is respect of persons. This is not of God.

Headship is not superiority. The Bible never implies that headship and submission mean superior and inferior. Yet, some women make reference to headship as if it means superiority. They typically have learned this through unbiblical teachings and ungodly patriarchy. They may falsely believe the husband is the head, so the wife must be the tail.

Being the head of the wife is a position of responsibility. A man could be far from God, deep in sin, and hellbound, but the husband is still head of the wife, according to God’s design. Being head doesn’t mean having more value or being more righteous.

Being the head does not automatically mean he is always right. Both men and women are sinners by nature, and only one could be in the position as head in a marriage, because a marriage cannot have two heads. The husband and wife become one. One does not have two heads!

Insecurity can cause mental madness, demented beliefs, and delusion.

Consequently, some men even suggest that authority means the one in leadership is more like God than the next person. Some women believe this. It is 100% untrue. God transforms people by His Spirit, and those who have His Spirit, His character, and conduct themselves accordingly, are the ones who are more Christ-like.

Being more Christ-like has nothing to do with one’s delegated position, responsibilities, or title! It is the way someone handles their position and responsibilities that determines godliness or not. It is their character that is either godly or ungodly. As a woman, you are not a second-class citizen in the kingdom of God. God equally values His men and women.

For any women and girls who have been taught wrong, and you don’t know your worth:

1. God values you so much that His word says the man who finds a wife has found a good thing; he has found a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.

” Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.” Proverbs 18:22.

2. God saw men and women, boys and girls, as worth it to send His only Son to die to pay the penalty for our sins and provide the only way for us to have eternal life.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

3. Again, our identity is in Christ. Not in a position, title, delegated responsibility, or role.

For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3: 27-29.

4. God values women enough to command the husband to love his wife in a cherishing, self-sacrificing, laying down his life type of way, as Christ loved the church. Ladies, this is how much God thinks of us!

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word…” Ephesians 5: 25 -26. It is good, by the way, to read the entire chapter of Ephesians 5!

5. The word of God says the virtuous woman has worth far above rubies.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31: 10.

6. The virtuous woman is actually a crown to her husband.

“A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.” Proverbs 12: 4.

7. The wife who possesses inner beauty; a quiet strength and peace, is highly precious in God’s sight.

But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” 1 Peter 3: 4.

8. God created both male and female in His image. The Bible does not say that the male is more in the image of God than the female.

“This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Genesis 5: 1-2.

Contempt and discrimination against women is not of God.

God does not belittle women. Jesus Christ did not belittle women in His ministry on earth or ever. I rebuke the enemy, in Jesus name. I rebuke the adversary with the word of God. If people have not learned their ABC’s and cannot get past the basics, how will they ever get to the meat of the Gospel?!

I believe fear, insecurity, and envy is at the root of discrimination and contempt of others. The correct coping mechanism for insecurity is not to belittle other people. This insecurity is rooted in low self-esteem, and in feeling inadequate. It is the result of sin; it is a result of someone’s background and experiences, but primarily is because someone does not truly know Jesus. They do not know who they are in Him.

A major indicator that even a religious person does not know who they are in Christ is their insecurity and belittling of other people. This is an attempt to elevate themselves. People will always feel inadequate if they are outside of Christ, and do not know who they are in Christ. The proper coping mechanism is to turn to Christ; to know that one’s identity is in Him, and that He gives people value.

Accordingly, I pray for people to be loosed from the shackles that have been wrongfully placed upon them. God did not place the shackles of oppression, suppression and hate upon people. I pray for deliverance and healing for the men, women, and children who are oppressed and otherwise mistreated all around the world.


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