Why Are Christians Persecuted in 2025?

    Christians are Followers of Christ

    The word persecute means “to be chased down, driven away, and pursued.”

    If you are living a godly life, you will be persecuted in some way, shape, or form. If you are a Bible-believing Christian and really believe Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” (see John 14:6) and really proclaim it, you will face persecution.

    Jesus said, “‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you . . . But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me” (John 15:20, 21 NKJV).

    If you are a true believer, you will face persecution in some fashion. But, believe it or not, God can use it for our good.

    Growing Spiritually

    I once read a story about codfish that were being shipped from the East Coast to the West Coast. The problem was that the fish arrived spoiled. The fish were frozen and sent off but were still mushy to the taste. They tried sending the fish alive, but they arrived dead. Then they sent them alive, with one change. In the tank with the live cod, they included their mortal enemy, the catfish. By the time the cod arrived, they were alive and well, having run from the catfish the entire journey. The people who ate it said it was the best cod they ever tasted.

    Why would God allow persecution? God may put a catfish in your tank, so to speak, to keep you alive and well spiritually. He may allow it in order to keep you on your toes.

    Maybe you will be the brunt of other people’s jokes, maybe it will be the loss of a job. Or maybe it will be the loss of friends, but the persecution of Christians causes us to cling more tightly to Jesus Christ and reminds us of two very important things . . . One, we are children of God. And two, this world is not our home.

    History reveals even more about Christian persecution and the purposes it may serve.

    Strengthening the Church

    During a period in church history from A.D. 100 to 314, literally thousands upon thousands of courageous Christian men, women—and even children—sealed their fate with their blood.

    Secular historians agree that there were 10 great persecutions against the church, 10 major attempts to wipe out Christianity, starting with the wicked Caesar Nero and ending with Diocletian.

    Believers were fed alive to wild animals, taken to Roman arenas for sport, torn apart, tortured, burned at the stake. . .

    But Christianity was stubborn.

    Instead of becoming weaker during this time of persecution, the church actually grew stronger. Instead of being destroyed, it became a lean, mean preaching machine. Persecution can have that effect. It can also reveal the strength of our faith as individuals.

    Revealing Personal Faith

    History tells us of a great hero of the Christian faith, Polycarp, who was the pastor of the church in Smyrna. He was martyred on Saturday, February 23, A.D. 155. The public games were taking place, and the city was overrun with people. The crowds were whipped into a frenzy, and someone cried out, “Let Polycarp be searched for!”

    Knowing this, Polycarp could have easily escaped, but he had a dream the night before in which he saw the pillow under his head on fire. When they came and arrested him, he asked for the privilege of having a final hour to spend with the Lord in prayer.

    Polycarp’s Unwavering Faith

    When Polycarp entered the Roman arena, God spoke to his heart and said, “Be strong, Polycarp, and play the man.” The Roman proconsul gave him a choice: either curse the name of Christ and make a sacrifice to Caesar, or die.

    Polycarp said, “For eighty and six years have I been His servant, and He has done me no wrong, and how can I blaspheme my King who has saved me?” The proconsul threatened him with being burned at the stake, and Polycarp replied, “You threaten with the fire which burns for a time, and is quickly quenched, for you do not know the fire which awaits the wicked in the judgment to come and in everlasting punishment. But why are you waiting? Come, do what you will.”

    The crowds went crazy, pouring in with firewood and kindling. They wanted to nail Polycarp to the stake because they were afraid he would flee.

    Polycarp Martyred for His Faith

    Polycarp said, “Let me alone as I am: for He who has given me strength to endure the fire will also enable me, without your securing me by nails, to stand without moving in the pile.” There Polycarp stood as they set the wood around him on fire. Amazingly, the fire did not harm him. It came right up to him and would not burn him. He sang praises to God. Finally, they couldn’t take it anymore, and they thrust him through with spears.

    That is called persecution. That is called courage.

    You may think, “I could never do anything like that.” But Jesus promised that if you are delivered up to be persecuted, He will give you the words to say under such circumstances (see Matthew 10:18–20). He will give you the courage to make your stand.

    Christians are persecuted because we are walking with the Lord. But the Bible says, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake” (Matthew 5:10 NKJV). Remember, Jesus is worth suffering for, living for, and even dying for.

    Learn more about Pastor Greg Laurie

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