We Waste Ourselves upon the Lord for His Building

(Photo: Unsplash)

Here is the first part of a hymn written by the 2011 graduating class of a full time Bible training center in MalaysiaThe words and music are here.

The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that He will build His church. Nevertheless, He needs our cooperation. That is why there are multiple verses on our building work; examples are Romans 14:19; 1 Corinthians 3:10, 12; 14:3-4; Jude 20. We can give ourselves to the Lord for building up His church now and unto New Jerusalem as the eternal climax.

God’s heart’s desire, a house on earth,
Mutual abode of God and of man;
New JerusalemFor He is pleased, that we may be,
Joined with our God, a mingling to be
A temple where His interests are met,
Yet while here we rest, who for God will care?
So dear Lord, we bear, Thy building and plan,
Working with Thee, Thy will to fulfill!

The chorus:
Dear Lord, we waste ourselves upon Thee,
All our lives for Thine eternal will!
For Thy love, Lord, constrains us all,
To make way for Thy house and Thy will!
Let’s arise! It’s time to build!
For His dwelling place we give all!
Standing firm, fulfilling the pleasure of God,
New Jerusalem!

The eagerness expressed in this hymn remind me of a proper response to Haggai 1:8, “Go up to the mountain and bring wood and build the house, and I will take pleasure in it and will be glorified, says Jehovah.” At that time the building was physical but today it is spiritual.

Let us not be self-centered as in Haggai 1:4-7, 9-11, caring for our own affairs. Let us waste ourselves upon Him as in Matthew 26:7-13. Lord, constrain us to pour ourselves on You so that You may build Your church and bring us to New Jerusalem.

More on wasting ourselves on the Lord as presented in Matthew 26.

Graphic courtesy of pixabay.com.

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