Dr. Richard Cunningham

Dr. Richard Cunningham

One of my beloved seminary professors, Dr. Richard Cunningham, died on July 28, 2022. Dr. Cunningham taught Philosophy at Golden Gate Seminary in Mill Valley, California and at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.

Dr. Cunningham and his wife Becky were amazing people. When I was at Golden Gate Seminary, I took a course in Philosophy with Dr. Cunningham. During the semester, he invited a group of students to go to his home for a time of fellowship. It was at this time that my wife and I developed a closer relationship with Dr. Cunningham and his wife.

It was interesting that I did not meet Dr. Cunningham in his Philosophy class. When I came to Golden Gate Seminary in 1968, I took my first Old Testament course with Dr. D. W. Deere. In the middle of the semester, Dr. Deere died and Dr. Cunningham took over the class.

Dr. Cunningham had taught Old Testament at a college in Arizona and he brought his previous experience to provide continuity to our class after Dr. Deere died. Dr. Cunningham knew the Old Testament and all of us enjoyed learning from him.

When I went to Southern Seminary, I did not take any classes with Dr. Cunningham because my area of studies was Old Testament. I had, however, many opportunities to talk with Dr. Cunningham and his wife throughout my days at Southern.

Dr. Cunningham leaves behind a great legacy. His legacy is reflected in the lives of the many students he taught over the years and in the lives of those students who became professors of Philosophy, following the example he left behind.

May his memory be a blessing.

זכרונו לברכה (zikhrono livrakha)

Claude Mariottini
Emeritus Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

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