I am Jesus’s project
I am Jesus’s project
By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435
Save the World Christian ministry App: http://qrco.de/babalobi
Genesis 2 vs 1
- The Bible says God finished his work of creating heaven and earth.
- The Bible records that God spent six days creating heaven and earth.
- God planned a vision and successfully executed it.
- God did not have an abandoned project, you as his child will not have any abandoned project in Jesus’ name
- As a child of God, the plan for your life and dreams shall not be extinguished in Jesus’ name
- Your dreams shall not be abandoned in Jesus’ name.
- You are a project in the hands of God, and his plans for you shall be fulfilled in Jesus’ name
- You will not be an abandoned project in Jesus’ name.
- I will end well in Jesus’ name.
- I receive the power to start and finish well in Jesus’ name.
- Power to carry through falls on me in Jesus’ name.
- Holy Ghost, empower help me to finish well
- Powers putting a full stop on my progress be arrested in Jesus’ name.
- My story shall not end in shame in Jesus’ name.