5 Simple but Powerful Words that All Men Love to Hear

    The most amazing thing happened.

    I interviewed my husband, asking him about the words men love to hear, and then I wrote a post about it.

    The response from readers was unbelievable!

    5 Simple but Powerful Words that All Men Love to Hear

    More than any other post I’ve ever written, this post has been read, shared, pinned, and liked.

    The post is called 5 Important Things Every Man Wants to Hear.

    To follow up on that post, I once again sat down with my sage man and asked him:

    “Are there 5 MORE things that men love to hear?”

    As anticipated, he came through with some more amazing insights from the world of “men.”

    Here are 5 Simple but Powerful Words that All Men Love to Hear from the Women in Their Lives:

    The first thing all men love to hear…  Let’s go and do that thing that you love to do!

    For my man, this is the shooting range.

    For yours, it may be golf, the driving range, a sporting event, working on an engine, watching an action movie, or something else.

    To be sweet to our men, we must participate and not be doing anything else.

    Go all in on this, Sisters!

    They will love it if you do!

    Why does this matter to our men? Why are these words all men love to hear?

    (It makes them feel like you are investing in them and in what they enjoy. It demonstrates tangible love to them.)

    The second thing all men love to hear… Let’s go and do something together that we both love to do!

    Our men like to spend time with the woman they love AND have fun all at the same time! Click To Tweet

    For us, we might take a walk at the nearby park, go to a movie, go out to dinner, or play a round of golf.

    Find something that you and your man can enjoy doing together.

    This may be hard, but it will be well worth the effort.

    Why does this matter to our men? Why are these words all men love to hear?

    (They like to spend time with us. And, to be able to enjoy time with us and time having fun is a double treat to them! They get a win/win!)

    The third thing all men love to hear… Thank you for helping me with __________.

    Our men like to hear very specific thanks for very specific actions. Click To Tweet

    Don’t be general here.

    Be very factual and specific.

    An example – “Thank you for editing my article for me. I missed a lot of mistakes, and I’m so glad you caught them. I would have hated for that article to go public with so many errors. I’m so grateful for your keen eye and attention to detail. You help to make my writing better.”

    Why does this matter to our men? Why are these words all men love to hear?

    (They like to know that they have met a SPECIFIC need in our lives.)

    The fourth thing all men love to hear… You made a difference in someone else’s life!

    Our men like to hear that they have made a difference in someone else's life. Click To Tweet

    For example, my husband loves it when I tell him how much he has made an impact on one of our kids.

    I might say, “Thanks for taking the time to talk to Emily yesterday. You helped her work through that school issue she was dealing with.”

    Or, I might say, “Riley loved having dinner with you last night. He told me that he likes to talk about work situations with you.”

    Why does this matter to our men? Why are these words all men love to hear?

    (They need to know that they are making a difference in people’s lives around them and that you noticed!)

    The fifth thing all men love to hear

    (This one is not a specific thing to say…)

    According to my man — They like to hear our voices – especially when our voices are soft, positive, and kind.

    My husband loves to hear me read to our kids, pray, or talk softly at night.

    He often tells me that he loves my voice, and he loves it when my voice is soft, positive, and kind.

    Your man likely feels the same way about your voice.

    Why not try this experiment…

    Ask your man — When do you most enjoy hearing my voice? 

    A woman speaking with a wise and kind voice is biblical. Click To Tweet

    When we read about the most excellent woman in the Bible (the one in Proverbs 31), we read:

    “When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything she says.”

    Proverbs 31:26, TLB

    What is it that men really want to hear? What can women say to encourage their men? Here are 5 Simple by Powerful Words that All Men Love to Hear. #men #words #marriage #relationships

    Can I share a story with you as I close?

    A few years ago, I was playing a round of golf with my husband.

    We were in the golf cart at the “turn.” This is that juncture in the golf game when you get to run into the clubhouse for snacks and a quick bathroom break.

    As we were getting out of our cart, another golf cart pulled up next to us containing two male golfers.

    They looked over at me and one of them said, “I wish my wife would come out and play with me. I’ve asked her, and I can’t get her out here for anything. She’s just not interested.”

    And, since that time, I’ll bet I’ve had over 50 men say that very same thing to me, “I wish I could get my wife (or my girlfriend) out here to play. I would love it if she’d try.”

    To all of the women who are reading this post, I have a great SECRET for you!

    Try to enjoy something that your husband enjoys! Click To Tweet

    You don’t have to love everything he loves.

    You don’t even have to be good at those things he is good at.

    However, if you truly love that man, you can learn to play a sport, hunt, water ski, fish, or whatever.

    Your man wants you to be with him!

    Your man likes having you around!

    I dare you to sacrificially invest your time, energy, attention, and life into something your man loves.

    If you do this, I truly believe your man is going to respond to you in ways you are going to love!! (I’ve never seen this one fail!)

    So, what do you think?

    Do you think your man would like to hear these things?

    Would you try them out with him?

    And, I’d love to hear back from you… What do you say to your man that he loves to hear?

    We’ve got a wonderful family resource to share with you!

    It’s a devotional book for teen girls called Live in Light.

    Live In Light is every girl’s guide to tackling their teenage years with the wisdom and comfort of the Bible. From navigating the pressure to be “perfect” on social media to dating and dealing with frenemies, these 5-minute devotionals help you to become the woman that both you and God want you to be.

    Inside these teen devotionals for girls, you’ll find:

    In a world filled with change, this book offers unwavering guidance to live under the bright light of faith.

    Discover more on Amazon at Live in Light.

    Live In Light is every girl's guide to tackling their teenage years with the wisdom and comfort of the Bible. From navigating the pressure to be "perfect" on social media to dating and dealing with frenemies, these 5-minute devotionals help you to become the woman that both you and God want you to be. #teengirls #teendevotions #liveinlight #lighttheway

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