A Challenge by Beth Moore

A Good Reminder

Still blue water at a cavern's entrance.

This is our time on the history line of God. This is it. What will we do with the one deep exhale of God on this earth? For we are but a vapor and we have to make it count. We’re on. Direct us, Lord, and get us on our feet. (Beth Moore)

God’s Plan 

It’s no mistake that we are living on earth during this time in history. The Lord planted you and me here, to speak His truth lovingly. To offer living water to the thirsty. To pray for the people lost in darkness and sin.

Believers walking the earth today are Jesus’ salt and light in the 21st century.

More then that, as sons and daughters, we have the power to pray to our heavenly Father and see him answer.

My Spiritual Point

While we are walking on this earth, the Lord has work for us to do. Every act of obedience that the Holy Spirit calls us to, however small, is part of God’s larger plan. Our faithfulness, service and prayers have a much bigger impact than we can imagine. Want proof? The Apostle Paul wrote a handful of letters to churches he was concerned about.

That’s all he did.

But over the centuries, in hundreds of languages, his God-inspired words have nourished generations of believers around the world.

Paul had no idea what God would do when he obediently picked up his stylus and started to write.

What a stunning surprise

This image came from Pixabay.com.


Want to make a bigger difference in the world today? Here’s a book I love.  Praying the News by Wendy Griffith and Craig Von Buseck.

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