A Modern-Day Joseph...RIP Nelson Mandela... - After the Altar Call

Hello World,

Every once in a while, the words of the Bible become three-dimensional, playing out right in front of you. Since Nelson Mandela’s death was announced last Thursday, I have been thinking about his contributions to humanity. Not only was he a world-class freedom fighter that will remembered among the greatest of men in history, his life was also a testament to God’s word. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Genesis 50:20….

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many peoples hould be kept alive, as they are today.”

These are the words of Joseph to his brothers after they discover that he is no longer in prison where he had been for years, in part, due to their actions…Instead of being a prisoner, he was now a leader in the Egyptian government able to help his brothers and his family during a time of famine…I was listening to a radio broadcast in which Nelson Mandela’s biographer was interviewed. He said how Mandela’s imprisonment of 27 years, refined him as a human being…I wonder had Mandela never been imprisoned, would he have been able to unite his country after he was released and become South Africa’s first black president…Something to ponder when evil is allowed in our lives…

Thank you Mandela for the example of your incredible life…

If you are in Atlanta and want to pay tribute to Mandela, the World Affairs Council of Atlanta and Morehouse College will be holding a memorial service for Mandela on Wednesday, Dec. 11  7-9 p.m. The memorial service will be held at Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College which is located at 830 Westview Dr SW 30314.

Any thoughts?

P.S. Will you be seeing the movie “Mandela?” I will…



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