Here’s a prayer I wrote for anyone struggling letting go of anger towards a cheater and their apologist(s).

This prayer serves as a reminder that we have a say in letting go of our anger, which is based on our trust in God’s character. In my experience, we have to practice choosing to let go over and over again. It is a ultimately a prayer of choosing faith in God and His ability to deal justly with our pain and abuse.

Use as needed:


Today was a tough day. I am not going to deny that.

Anger came back with a vengeance towards ___ (and ___). I am struggling letting go considering all the real injustices you know I experienced. It seems so unfair and unjust for them (her, him, etc) to be able to continue their lives as if they did nothing wrong.

But God I have chosen to give up my right to punish them. They (she is, he is, etc.) are yours to handle.

Jesus, I trust you.

You are good and just. I choose again to give them into your hands trusting you will do right by me because you love me.

Help me to let go of my anger and move forward into the destiny  you have for me!



*A version of this post ran previously.