Posted on December 11, 2016 Updated on November 23, 2016

  By Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Memorise: “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom” (2 Timothy 4:1)

Read: Romans 1:29-31

wisemenThe wise men immediately responded to the revelation of the unusual star they saw announcing the birth of Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12). These were nobles, highly respected and feared, but when the unusual star revealed that Jesus was more than any noble they had seen, they decided to seek Him. They did not worship Herod because he was just an ordinary king. All nobles have just One person they must bow to: His Name is Jesus Christ.

Any noble, president, governor, captain of industry or highly placed individual who feels too big to bow to Jesus now, will bow to Him later – when He seats to judge all men (2 Timothy 4:1). The difference is, if you bow now to Him, He will be on your side and make you a king under His everlasting Kingdom. That Kingdom has no end (Daniel 2:44). But if you fail to bow to Him now, it will be too late for the fellow if he or she dies in that state.

Have you bowed to Jesus Christ of Nazareth? If you can bow to Him, He will make sure your enemies bow to you. It is great wisdom to bow to the King of kings. Any king in your life or circumstance who refuses to bow to His will shall be uprooted this season in Jesus’ Name.

On the other hand, before the wise men departed, king Herod entered into an agreement with them that they must bring him feedback on the city, address and details on this child born king. After they traced the star to the location of the King of kings and had worshipped and offered Him gifts, they had a dream. In it, God warned them not to return to king Herod.

In fact, they were not to take the path they came by. By this, they were to break their covenant or agreement with Herod. But why would a God who is against covenant breaking encourage breaking of certain covenants at the same time (Romans 1:29-32)? Any covenant that God does not uphold is null and void. Any covenant that goes against God’s Word or will is voidable. If before you were born again, you had a certain covenant or agreement with the kingdom of darkness, now that you are born again, you are under no obligation to stick with it.

You can and should void it. Break it. Renounce it. You are now under a new government. You must not adhere to the agreements of the secret societies, lodges, cults or covens you once belonged after you have received Christ. Also, you should not fear them because you are now operating a far higher authority than any satanic group. Submit yourself for deliverance prayers and destroy all their symbols, regalia, books and property. You have no agreement with hell. Break away from all sin partners.

List negative covenants you have been involved in. Break them one by one using the authority in the Name of Jesus Christ.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Bible study, Christian, christian deliverance, christian prayers, Christianity, church, deliverance prayers, Devotionals, Faith, financial breakthroughs, God, good news, Healing, Holiness, Jesus, Prayers, Religion, Save the World, spiritual warfare, Success.

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