Anger in the Face of Oppression

Anger in the Face of Oppression

Another viral pandemic has swept the world. This virus does not only affect our bodies physically but emotionally and mentally.

It is not contagious but imitates a contagion as this deep-rooted belief is transmitted from generation to generation to those who inflict this venom and to those who are poisoned by their toxic affluence.

Although dormant within individuals for centuries, like an abscess it has become insufferable and painful for us to sit in, with or at worse, ignore. It also has an abhorrent shape of a historical past that onlookers find uncomfortable to visualise or understand why others feel this pain.

For over 400 hundred years equality, safety and justice have been systematically compromised or denied for a race of people – just because of their colour.

The difference now is that another generation has exposed this transgenerational trauma in 2020 and they refuse to silence or starve their anger!

They are now accompanied by all ethnicities globally seeking to ‘Emancipate themselves from mental slavery.’ Bob Marley
As above if our safety has been traded off or dismissed as important catchphrases ‘That was in the past, I am not a racist’ or ‘I don’t get it?’

We can accommodate these misconceptions and perceptions with politically correct responses however it can be triggered to suppressed anger and submissive experiences.

Those that defensively seek redemption by spewing out ‘I Don’t get it? All Lives matters! Is this still going on?’ I believe, confuse ‘Offence with Oppression’.

It is an ‘Offence’ to break the law, insult someone, which no living creature can avoid. However, ‘Oppression’ is when another purposely and systematically use their colour, influences, the authority to harm, prevent opportunities or freedom.

It is this imbalance that saw the recent, tragic, viral, public execution of George Floyd.

If the law is governed solely by those who ‘Oppress’, these inhumane treacherous acts will never be regulated as an ‘Offence’.

It’s this anger that needs addressing, a sign that our mental well-being is being invaded by this uprising. Professionals are debating the links between repressed racial anger of inherited trauma to illnesses commonly found in Black people.

It is NOT a sin to get or be angry, it is what you do with this anger that can be a sin. In Matthew 21 Jesus became angry in the temple due to the in-justice of the Pharisees misusing their authority.

Here are several tips in managing anger appropriately

• Think before you say something you’ll regret later
This can be difficult when caught up in the heat of the moment Proverbs 14:29
• When calm express yourself
This too is a difficult position to hold when facing years of institutionalised racial abuse, harassment and oppression. Find support groups seeking to find positive solutions rather than adding to the cause.
• Use ‘I’ statements
When expressing yourself refer to how you are feeling now in the present situation, this can be verbal or in writing. Not being free to express emotions in a safe non-judgmental place can be a traumatic experience if repressed repeatedly.
• Identify solutions for your feelings of anger

The reason for your anger needs resolving when you have the space to process your anger to acting.
Life Essence acknowledges that there are hurting people unable to process current events, as justifiable anger not recognised or a positive resolution available to explore leaves many of us in limbo.

We can make a start by equipping ourselves with the energy from the anger currently experiencing.
• Be opened to being uncomfortable
Not knowing all the answers by giving excuses or relaying rhetoric
• Don’t judge others

This includes race, colour and more covert issues such as food, clothes etc. Let’s not gravitate to those who appear or have similar traits to us. Embrace difference – you are different too!

• Educate
Talk about your differences, such as racial discrimination, slavery, personal experiences, religion/faith and how to go about change. This should include why you believe there should be a change or not.

We have prepared a safe place in which individuals can be free to forward comments on how they are coping during social distancing and racial uprise we now face.

Please contact us to speak to one of our counsellors

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