Are you brave enough to x-ray your heart?

    By Elizabeth Prata

    David Powlison was a well-regarded Biblical Counselor who passed into glory in 2019. In his book Seeing with New Eyes, in chapter 7 Powlison addressed idolatry by setting before the reader some questions. He called then “X-ray questions.” They are designed to allow the Christian to ask him or herself some insightful questions to get at the ‘heart’ of one’s heart.

    Of course we know the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, but in honestly addressing ourselves with some purposeful questions we can chip away at the darkness around our heart and bring light to any sin or idolatry that may be forming there.

    X-ray is a good title for his questions. X-rays see beyond the flesh down to the bone.

    My dentist told me that after 3 days particles on one’s teeth become tartar. I know you are hearing the dentist’s scraper now! He or she uses a scraper (called a curette or a scaler) to forcibly remove hardened particles known as tartar from teeth. If tartar is left too long, it darkens the teeth and damages the teeth and gums.

    That’s like sin. Unaddressed it hardens and clings. Eventually becomes like mini-barnacles. It takes more work to remove the long-unaddressed sin from our heart and sometimes, not without damage.

    But the best way to remove hardening from our heart is sincere repentance and asking forgiveness from God. He can easily remove it! (But sometimes there is still damage or consequence).

    Remember, idolatry can happen any time, anywhere and even through ‘good’ things like marriage, children, or worship , etc.

    What are these questions Powlison had written for us to ask ourselves? Here they are. I’d suggest taking one or two questions a day and pondering them. Pray and ask the Spirit to illuminate the answers to you. Because God is transcendent and because He knows the thoughts and intentions of our hearts, He will deliver direction to you on these issues. It glorifies Him for the blood-bought Christian to earnestly and vigorously partner with Him in pursuit of holiness.

    Just the Questions*

    The questions with explanations

    Marci Ferrell The Thankful Homemaker, Getting to the Heart of Our Idolatry with X-ray Questions

    Idolatry defined, Ligonier devotional

    *These questions are taken from David Powlison, “X-ray Questions,” chapter 7 in Seeing with New Eyes: Counseling and the Human Condition through the Lens of Scripture (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2003), 129–43 (these questions appear on pp. 132–40)

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