Bible study and devotional: Being a good christian

Bible study and devotional: Being a good christian

Posted on December 17, 2008

In very clear terms, the Lord defines the identity of a disciple and puts the challenges before him. It is no difficult to recognize the importance of salt and light in everyday human life. Without salt, there is

very little to recommend anything as food

Jesus said to Simon Peter in John 21:17 Feed my sheep

It was up too Peter to ensure that whatever he gives the rest of the church of Jesus Christ was reason with salt.

 It is interesting to note that Jesus addressed this command to Peter. The Rock. In the African tradition of animal husbandry, a good husbandman will ensure that sheep have rocks with salt in them to lick after feeding on the pastures.

 This is what maintains the sheep in good health. Sheep can find pasture on their own, but only few sheep finds rocks with salt to lick.

Again, the Lord stated that a disciple is light. And the light of the world. Whatever men see, they see because there is light. There is a lot of honour for light-bearers in the African tradition. But, what if a light-bearer does not light the way?

The challenges of Jesus Christ is that every disciple shine forth in this dark world so that every doubt is dispelled in the minds of men that there is a God in Heaven and a God big enough to be glorified

“You are the salt of the earth, but what good is salt if it has lost its flavour? Can you make it useful again? It will be thrown out and trample underfoot as worthless. You are the light of the world-like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see”

Matthew 5:13-14

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