Bible Study: Matthew 15

Bible Study: Matthew 15

Posted on December 8, 2021 Updated on December 7, 2021

Bible Study: Matthew 15

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

Save the World Christian ministry

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Commentary on Matthew 15

  1. There are several key messages in Matthew 15.
  2. In this chapter, Jesus upbraided the scribes, Pharisees and elders for transgressing the commandments of God by the tradition of men.
  3. Just like in the days of Jesus, several Christians still hold on to their ethnic traditions, even when these traditions contravene the word of God.
  4. Such traditions include participating in pagan festivals, indulging in fetish rites during naming, wedding, or dedication ceremonies, attending worldly ceremonies and respecting idolatrous/ancestral family customs and traditions.
  5. Several churches also have various doctrines on forms of worship, dates of worship times of worship, forms of dressing, observance of Christian festivities and days of worship, and stick to these doctrines even when they contradict the Bible.
  6. Holy Spirit is asking a simple question in Mathew 15 vs 3: Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?
  7. Why do you come to church on Sundays and participate in pagan festival on Mondays?
  8. Why do you come to church on Sundays and visit herbalists on Tuesday?
  9. Why do you come to Bible study yet bury a charm under your shop to attract customers?
  10. Why do you come to Prayer meeting and still join them in using dry gin to make traditional prayers?
  11. Jesus described anyone that placed tradition or doctrine above the Bible as a hypocrite.

Mathew 15 vs 7: Ye hypocrites.

  1. Holy Spirit shall deliver you from spiritual hypocrisy in Jesus’ name.
  2. Jesus says anyone that holds on to traditions rather than the law of God is worshipping God in vain. Mathew 15: 8 – But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
  3. I shall not worship God in vain in Jesus’ name.
  4. The white garment churches and Catholic churches have often been criticised for still indulging in rituals of worship, including worship of the Virgin Mary by the latter, when both the Mosaic and New Testament laws have cancelled all forms of paganistic and idolatrous worship.I shall not attend Church every Sunday in vain in Jesus’ name.
  • I shall not be a Christian in vain in Jesus’ name.
  • I shall not attend Church programmes, be a church worker, in life, and end up in hell in Jesus’ name.
  • Jesus also taught us to be concerned more about our utterances and speech rather than what we eat. What we say rather than what we eat is what may lead us to sin.

 Mathew 15 vs 11 & 19 – Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man

19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

  • Holy Spirit shall tame my tongue in Jesus’ name
  1. Jesus said every unfruitful Christian shall be uprooted and cast out

Mathew 15 vs 13- But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

  • I shall not be a cast away in Jesus’ name.
  • I shall be fruitful in the house of God in Jesus name.
  • Every evil implantation in my body, womb, heart, family, business, marriage, be uprooted in Jesus’ name
  1. Another lesson of this chapter is that worship is the key to receiving miracles.
  2. The woman whose daughter was sick received the attention of Jesus because she decided to worship Jesus, who was not initially willing to attend to her.
  3. Worship attracts the attention of Jesus.

Mathew 15 vs 26-Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.

  • Holy Spirit teach me how to worship rather than murmur.
  1. Also, Jesus demonstrated the love of God by feeding four thousand men, besides women and children with seven loaves of bread, and a few fishes.
  2. Jesus also met the individual needs of his followers by feeding not only with the word, but with bread and fish, demonstrating that the church should not be contended with meeting the spiritual needs of the Christians, or receiving gifts or offerings from Christians; but also strive to meet the material needs of Christians.
  3. A hungry sinner needs both spiritual bread and physical bread
  4. I receive wisdom to win souls in Jesus’ name


  • I cut off from every ungodly custom and tradition in Jesus’ name.
  • Love and compassion of God burn in my heart in Jesus’ name.

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

Save the World Christian ministry

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