Book Drawing! “Embracing Joy” by Jean Wilund

Book Drawing! “Embracing Joy: An 8-Week Transformational Bible Study of Habakkuk” by Jean Wilund

If you’ve ever studied the biblical book of Habakkuk or have wanted to, you’ll be excited to hear about Jean Wilund’s book Embracing Joy  as my next book drawing. In Jean’s 8-week Bible study of the tiny book of Habakkuk, you’ll dive into the turbulent world of one of the Old Testament prophets—a world not that different from ours today. You’ll discover how Hababkkuk pushed forward to choose trust and find joy despite the violence that ruled his homeland. With a conversational tone, guiding questions, and Jean’s three-step transformational Bible study method, Jean Wilund makes relevant connections to our life and times. Whether studying alone or with a group, you will experience the same powerful, life-altering truths that changed Habakkuk’s perspective long ago.

You can enter the drawing to win a copy of Embracing Joy by reading this post and following the directions at the end of the post.

Here’s an excerpt from her book to inspire you and motivate you to benefit from this Bible study book.

When Circumstances Seem Like Monsters

by Jean Wilund

 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”—John 8:32

I have one brother, and he’s a good one—except maybe on that day when I was eight years old.

Thirteen-year-old Rob thundered up our staircase doing his best impression of a monster. I beat him to my room, slammed and locked the door behind me, and cowered in the corner.

His ominous footsteps overwhelmed the truth I knew about him. He’s not a monster. He’s not a monster. The worst Rob would do if he broke through the door was tickle me, but fear had won the moment as I succumbed to my imagination.

Trust the Truth

Habakkuk’s fears weren’t rooted in imagination but in God’s word to him. Real danger would soon bust down Judah’s doors. If the Lord didn’t restrain Babylon, they’d all die at the end of a sword, spear, or whatever weapon they’d wield. Babylonian war plans did not include tickling. And so Habakkuk prayed and did the one thing that makes all the difference when we face a trial. He fixed his mind on truth.

Habakkuk looked upward beyond his fears and reminded himself of what he knew to be true about God’s unchanging nature. Trusting the truth disarms our fears and puts them in their proper place–under God’s feet.

Truth Controls the Monsters

When my brother thundered up the stairs, I overreacted because I imagined he was a monster. Once I acknowledged the truth, the truth controlled the monster, which was my fear, not my brother. I stopped being afraid, and he went back downstairs.

Unlike me, God never overreacts or thinks irrationally. He doesn’t have mood swings–or moods. In fact, He doesn’t have reactions. He responds.

He knew everything we’d ever do before we were born. He responds to our actions out of His omniscience and wisdom. This should comfort us when trouble comes. God already knew it was coming. He set His purposes for it in eternity.

When Judah received the news about their monster, Babylon, terror was a reasonable response. Since Judah had refused to fear God, God would cause them to fear Babylon.

For hundreds of years, Judah had known God’s promises of blessings and curses. They can’t cry, “Wait, what?” They rejected the truth they knew and imagined they could keep living the lie that God would never hold them accountable to their sin.

But God and His promises never change. He’s Yahweh Elohim, the supreme God who made an everlasting covenant with Judah. He would forever be their God, but Judah needed judgment. At the appointed time, He’d restore them into His love and into their land. But first they needed Babylon.

God never allows trauma to touch us for no reason. But trauma is still terrifying. Truth puts our fears in their proper place, but we can only trust the truth we know.

The more we know the truth through God’s Word, the more our fears will fall under God’s control. The God who disciplines His children but will never leave or forsake us.

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”—Matthew 28:20

Transformational Truth: Truth puts our fears in their proper place, but we can only trust the truth we know.

Thank you, Jean, for sharing with us these significant, life-changing truths.

To enter the drawing make a comment on this blog post. Only USA addresses can win. Drawing will end on Tuesday evening, June 4, 2024.

Here are the links for buying this important book and for connecting with Jean.

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Kathy Collard Miller

Kathy Collard Miller is an award-winning, bestselling author of over 60 books including "Anger Management—Jesus Style" and "No More Anger: Hope for an Out-of-Control Mom". She writes Christian Living books, women’s Bible studies and Bible commentaries. She blogs and writes articles on trusting God more, God’s sovereignty, marriage, parenting, and knowing God in truth. Along with being interviewed on The 700 Club, Kathy has been featured on hundreds of podcasts, radio and television programs. Kathy has spoken in over 30 US states and 9 foreign countries at women’s retreats, writing conferences, MOPS, and marriage seminars. She often writes and speaks with her husband, Larry who she married in 1970. They have two children and two grandchildren, and live in Boise, Idaho. Kathy is a founding member of AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) and is active in various writers groups like IdaHope Christian Writers and Christian women’s ministries like NEWIM (Network of Evangelical Women In Ministry). Connect with her at: Facebook: Twitter: @KathyCMiller Pinterest/Kathyspeak Instagram: @kathycollardmiller Amazon author page: