It was a long day with a longer to-do list. I was chipping away at it but running out of emotional and physical steam. What I needed was a large sweet tea. When I pulled into the Chick-fil-A drive through, I heard the flapping noise of a flat tire.

I turned into a parking space and called for roadside assistance. Then I opened a book, unwrapped my straw, and took a sip of tea.

An hour later, a nice man showed up to change my tire. Two hours after I arrived, I headed home. Now, this might not sound like a very exciting story to you, but for me, it was a small victory.

Here’s what I didn’t do. I didn’t cry, fuss at God, or fall apart because the air in my schedule leaked out with the air in my tire. And that, my friend, was reason to celebrate!

My default mode would have been to do all three: cry, fuss at God, and fall apart. Then, I’d go home in a bad mood for my husband to endure. But not that day. So I celebrated that one good moment of a bad day when I responded well.

Oh friend, too many times we want total victory in our lives before we celebrate. We wait for perfection, which will never come. We beat ourselves up for our missteps and mishaps and miss the moments to celebrate.

You’ll never have total victory in everything this side of heaven, but you will have some. Don’t miss them! See them! Seize them! Blow the party horn!

  • Celebrate the times you don’t yell at the kids. Hurray!
  • Celebrate the times you don’t respond to the sarcastic words of a cashier with sarcastic words of your own. Praise God!
  • Celebrate the times you don’t fall apart because your schedule does. Do the happy dance!
  • Celebrate the times you didn’t eat that extra bowl of ice cream. You go, girl!

God is changing you, transforming you, and remaking you every day—making you more and more like Jesus. Paul wrote, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). Even though you might not respond to all of life’s foibles and fallouts in a God-honoring way, take a moment to celebrate the times you do.

Let’s celebrate together! Leave a comment and share one way you responded to a difficult situation in a God-honoring way.

God, open my eyes to see the little victories in my life. Help me not to focus on the negative but celebrate the positive. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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