CHANGE - Five-Minute Fridays - Growing Through God's Word

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Once again linking to Lisa-Jo and Five-Minute Fridays.

I get 5 minutes on the word – CHANGE. And no picture today – that’s a change. No time.


Change – Five-Minute Fridays

My husband hates change. He likes the “same old, same old”. I love change. Can you see the problem?

But we have been married for 41 years – why? Compromise – or one of us “wins”.

As long as one of us doesn’t “win” continually, we rest in peace. We like to talk things out – sometimes it gets a little rowdy; sometimes one of us sees the other’s point of view quickly; sometimes we just drop it for another time.

Right now I am in a change mood. I would like to move around my living room because I am tired of the way it looks. It needs a change. And practically it would help with the rest of the house because I want to switch rooms around.

I mentioned it – oh my goodness – the frown; the look; the “oh no” not again. But really I haven’t moved things around much – really, I haven’t.

So I let it drop – for a few days. Then I will approach the subject again. Little drops – one at a time.

I agree with him that change just for change sake is not fruitful. But I have a plan in mind and I can envision what it will look like.

My daughter just changed her rooms around so she could make the dining room a play room close to the kitchen to watch her little one. It looks great – and so practical.

Maybe that is where I got the notion. So I will give it a few days.

Oh my time is UP.

What do you think of change? Are you able to embrace it when it happens? Do you hold back? Or can you march to a new tune? Our minister talked about this on Sunday on Two Interpretations of Matthew 9: 14-17. Does our vision of church need a change?

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