Do you know how to find Grace? - Raising Zion

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound // that saved a wretch like me // I once was lost but now am found // t’was blind but now I see 🎶🎵🌺

Most of us are quite familiar with the lyrics of this well-known song written by John Newton. Often I have even heard people quote the word “Grace” in their day-to-day conversations.

But what if I ask you the definition of Grace? Well, Grace simply means God’s unmerited favour shown to us when we didn’t deserve it.

Therefore, St.Paul exhorts us to … come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need – Hebrews 4:16.

In the Old Testament those who caught the horns of the altar were not to be killed – that meant taking refuge at the altar. That’s exactly what the Throne of Grace is for us in the New Testament.

Simple steps to get Grace:

1. The Lord’s Grace is new every morning – fresh mercies for each new day. There was a hedge around Job so the devil couldn’t get him. Jesus during the course of His ministry rose up very early in the morning, prayed and praised God. He sustained Himself through Grace.

2. We get grace when we believe. Believe God’s Word. Everything is possible for those who believe. Faith pleases God. And faith is got when you hear the Word of God – Romans 10:17

3. Speak by faith. Abraham didn’t have a ram while going with son Isaac for the sacrifice. He spoke by faith and got grace to sacrifice his son. But The faithful Lord provided – Jehovah-Jireh.

4. When we pray with a broken and contrite heart we get grace. What is this prayer for? This prayer is for the millions of perishing souls who die everyday without knowing the Fountain of Eternal Life.

5. When we surrender to suffer for Jesus we get grace. Help others by carrying their burdens in prayer. The labour of love you do for God will never go in vain. When we shed tears for those heading towards hell, God will hear us and rescue them.

Blessings and love 💕

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