“Do you want to get well?” -Jesus

(Photo: Unsplash)

Every Friday is Friend Friday on the podcast. That is also the case in our private Facebook group (Peace Be Still Daily Prayer Download). Every Friday morning at 7am EST we broadcast live, to briefly discuss a spiritual topic and then pray over people in the group!  (Also, you can find Peace Be Still Daily Prayer Download on most podcast providers!)

This morning myself and our board chair Cheryl (John Maxwell Coach & Ministry/Business owner and AWESOME PRAYER WARRIOR!) were talking about denying flesh for the Spirit to give us life. Romans 8:13 says that if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body you will live. There is a critical surrender referred to there for victory over strongholds that plague our heart, mind, and soul. That scripture is about release, overcoming by the power of the Spirit. In the power of God (not our own) we put the misdeeds of the body to death.

But are we doing that? In that moment of weakness are you stopping and saying, “God help me, I’m about to lose my temper, or I feel like I’m about to binge, or I want to be vulnerable with my spouse right now, but I am scared of rejection.”

A lot of us aren’t dying to our flesh and handing those moments to God. Instead, we keep doing what we normally do, and then after remain burdened, feeling as though we shall never live in the power God promises and cast blame on others, settling into the enemy stronghold destroying us.

It’s very disheartening that we as Christians (a chosen people give precious promises for victory) settle to live in enemy strongholds.

Went on to share in the live broadcast that very often when I ask someone, “Have you shared ‘this” (the burden or struggle) with God? Or “have you told this person you are feeling or thinking this?” So VERY often I hear something along the lines of “not really”. I hear reticence and half-hearted conviction about really giving something to God. And very often I hear “no” they have not shared their feelings and thoughts with someone about something that is a real block in their closest relationships, or shared a block that really requires intercession for breakthrough.

I wondered out loud why people hold on to their burdens without giving them to God or sharing them with someone else who will pray for them. It felt uncomfortable to confess out loud that I often see that people (in terms of general population) are comfortable in their misery, despite how they complain. It’s disheartening to see people really don’t want to get well. It puts context and a powerful punch behind the question Jesus asked the paralytic in John 5:6, “Do you want to get well?” They aren’t willing to move in the direction of healing. It’s very troubling. Do you know someone like this? Is this your real struggle?

God had something to say about what I was wondering aloud in our Friend Friday Live prayer time. After we wrapped up scripture reflections, we went into intercession to pray for people. And as the prayer portion came to a close, Cheryl stopped me and wanted to share that God was putting something on her heart. She said “As you were praying, I felt like the Lord really showed me that a big piece of what happens in these situations is, regardless of what particular situation we are carrying, one of the deep roots of it (lack of breakthrough) is that we want to be in control.” She went on to share God was burdening her to say, “Just begin your time of prayer by saying, “Jesus, forgive me for wanting to control things. I want to let you control me and trust you in that process.”  (Listen to clip in video above.)

Such a simple baby step that leads to leaps in the Spirit!

I’ve recently been challenging people to take that step, praying with a good handful of people who are in fact willing to let go and open up with God and others. They are returning with praises of healed relationships, seeing moves of the Spirit in very difficult circumstances, giving testimony of bold and courageous steps of faith, and praising God for real breakthrough… expressing they are experiencing His presence and love in wonderful ways! 

As we close, where are you today in breakthrough? Are you willing to let go of control? Are you willing to admit weakness and ask God to forgive you for wanting to control things? Do you need someone to walk beside you in whatever area you are losing ground spiritually? Are you willing to admit your need to have someone intercede with you, for you, for breakthrough?

  • Step 1– Review. Really wrestle with the question Jesus posed to the paralytic- “Do you want to get well?” John 5:6
  • Step 2– Open up with Jesus. Admit weakness, desire for control. He can be trusted. Psalm 120:1
  • Step 3– Go further still. Ask God to bring someone into your path who will intercede and stand with you for the breakthrough you need. James 5:16
  • Step 4– PERSIST. Insist on healing and breakthrough!
    • For a lessons on persistence, meditate upon the “shameless audacity” Jesus references in Luke 11:8. Or find the humor in parable of the persistent widow. A powerless widow gets justice from an unjust judge because he becomes afraid she will come and beat him up if he doesn’t grant her request, Luke 18:4-5! 🤣 Think about that! A man who doesn’t fear God or man is brought under subjection by a little widow. I find this hilarious and great encouragement on the power of persistence in prayer!
  • Step 5– Return with praise! “Were not all 10 cleansed? Where are the other nine?” Luke 17:17

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