Don’t debate with the devil

Don’t debate with the devil

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Genesis 3 vs 1

Genesis 3:1 KJV

  1. Eve debated with the devil and ended up disobeying God.
  2. Eve debated with the devil and ended up discouraging her husband.
  3. Eve debated with the devil and ended up being deceived by the devil.
  4. Don’t consider the devil’s choices or listen to his arguments.
  5. Stick to God’s words even when it does not make sense.
  6. Be quiet to rebuke the devil and cast out his voice.


  • I silence the voice of the enemy
  • My heart sticks to the word of God
  • Every mouth assigned to deceive me receive a slap in Jesus’ name.
  • I shall obey God always in Jesus’ name.

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