Effective evangelism-how to be a good evangelist

Effective evangelism-how to be a good evangelist

Posted on July 19, 2008 Updated on July 17, 2008

Below are factors that can hinder you from evangelising, and how you can overcome them.

1.         Rom 1:16   Shame to confess Jesus to the sinners or death world. You must despise shame and preach Christ to them preaching is a command Acts 10:42.

The Gospel is the power of God ….Rom. 1:16, Lk.9:25, Heb. 12:2,


2.         Ignorance:- John 1:1-4, 10-12 when we have the light of the Gospel fully in us. We see the reason why we must preach to the Gentiles to be saved. Rom. 1:14-16, 14:9-15, Ps. 82:5, Isaiah 5:14, Hos. 4:6, God wants us not to make sinners to perish due tour ignorance of their salvation according to the knowledge of His word.

1.                  Souls value:- Lk.9-25, we must value lives of people and do all we could to see them saved for eternity Heb. 2:3-4. Hell was not made for them, put all your life, resources and money to see Gentiles, Muslims saved. Matt. 25:41, our salvation cost Jesus His life Eph. 5:2, John1:29, 19:30-34, Act20:28, we must sacrifice, do the same to see sinners saved

2.                  Fear:- 11Tim. 1:7, Holy Ghost is the spirit of boldness, Acts 4:26-33. Be filled with the holy Spirit in His presence by praying fear will disappear, we must take authority over the darts of fear, doubt and unbelief in soul wining … Eph 6:10-18, Matt.16:18-19, 18:18-20, John 14:13-14.

Don’t fear but respect and obey God… study Matt. 10, Lk10… preach, prepare your heart to preach. If they say no you go to another place or somebody… face your fear and do what you fear it will die but fear and respect God… Rom 8:14.

3.                  Lack of wisdom:- Prov.11:30, Matt:42, Dan. 12:3. The Wisdom of God is needed Col 3:2,1Cor. 1:24, 30, Deut.4:6, you can pray for wisdom of communication and entering to preach to a Gentiles 1 Thess. 1:8-9

Even our appearance, speech, matters too. Character and manner of approach we need God’s wisdom. James 1:5-6 don’t be religious but be wise and allow Holy Ghost to leas you …. Rom. 8:14.

If a sister/brought is going on personal Evangelism to a Muslim you can keep your Big Bible at home, put your small one in the pocket and tracts. As you enter their house with greeting you start your daily conversation before you declare Christ because some of them if they see you from far with Big Bible, they will run or hinder you from entering. 1 Thess. 1:7-9, Except if Holy Spirit directs you obey, Act 5:32, 8:29.

4.                  Prayerlessness:- Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, 12-14, 4:24-25, 12-13, Mk. 3:9-13

I have explained much on prayer in the previous pages… pray and live a

      prayer life. It’s our duty and do disobey is a sin 1 Sam. 12:23

            Bind satan, loose the sinner, and pull down stronghold 11 Cor. 4:3-4, 10:3-      

      6, 1Tim. 2:1-5, decree salvation upon them ask Holy Ghost to convert them.  

      Acts 2:37, 7:54, John 15:9-14.

Missionaries need prayers of others too Phil. 1:19, Eph. 6:18-19, Col. 4:2

      3, Rom. 15:30-31. Prayer network.

5.                  Go out 2 by 2:- (two) is an agreement Numbers in the Bible Matt. 18:18-20,16:18-19, if I have brother with a brother they can reach out, sister with a sister they can also reach out to sinners, house to house, streets to streets or mass Evangelism.

Husband and wife can do the same too Matt. 10:1-2, Mark 6:1-2, 1213;30,

     Luke 10:1-2, 16-22. you can bring back the report of your souls or their lists

     and address to your church for proper follow-up visitation to invite them into     

     fellowship. Acts 2:39-47, 4:30-37, Heb 10:25, Ps. 33.

Source: Gospel to Gentiles Ministry, Abuja, Nigeria

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