Encountering any foolish "friends?" - Divorce Minister

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Fools have no interest in understanding;
they only want to air their own opinions.

-Proverbs 18:2, NLT

In my season of suffering, I found some people simply do not want to hear my pain. They didn’t want to understand.

These people were set in their beliefs about divorce. They were happy to share their judgment (and condemnation) but were not really interested in growing in understanding.

It is not wise to remain in the company of fools.

This is what such people are considered based on this verse from Proverbs. They are behaving like fools who just love their own voice and NOT understanding.

I don’t have a problem with people being ignorant. Ignorance isn’t insurmountable.

What is insurmountable is the attitude of a fool who is convinced he “knows” it all.

This is particularly perilous when the one acting as a fool is a person in authority in your life like a counselor or pastor. It is time to find another leader if that is the case.

A godly person is full of humility, gentleness, and kindness in these situations especially.

Look for people exhibiting those spiritual fruit, and avoid those who exhibit arrogance and egotism. You are better off dining alone than in the company of fools.

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

-Proverbs 13:20, NIV


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